Page 23 - Kay Handyside - Fat to Flat Belly
P. 23
4. INSTEAD eat vegetables, especially leafy greens but also sweet potatoes , colourful vegetables for antioxidants : peppers, aubergine, tomatoes and berries . Apples are also great as they help with digestion but always eat these fruits with a meal and only 1 piece OR 1 cup of berries per meal.
5. NO FRIED foods . If you eat out these foods are fried in rancid oils which will increase your fat storage and inflammation in your body. Stopping you losing weight and increasing health risks.
8. NO SWEETENER except that found in natural foods. Sugar makes you hungry and also is easy to over eat on. You will be able to go a lot longer without food if you avoid sugar.
Sugar is as ADDICTIVE as cocaine and incredibly TOXIC. Just try giving it up for a while - you will find your energy is a lot more stable, you eat less, you feel less hungry and you NO LONGER crave it. Trust me , I know this works.
9. No alcohol- at least for the first 2 weeks- if you want to extend it for the 90 days your results will be EVEN BETTER. You will feel so much better - I promise.
Its not that you can never drink again but if you do not drink alcohol your progress will be much, much quicker. Also your head will feel much better and your workouts will be stronger.
Alcohol is toxic and it leads to weight gain. Its Empty calories. It causes inflammation and therefore stores body fat around the waist - belly ! It interferes with sleep which is our fat burning time. However if you can enjoy 1 maximum 2 drinks ( NO BEER ) with a meal - its better than not to start this programme. I do drink alcohol but try to reserve it for special occasions.
10. At each meal you will eat lots of LEAFY GREENS AND FRESH HERBS AS MANY AS YOU LIKE - covered in EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL - 1 tablespoon. So splash out on a really good brand. Some olive oils taste delicious and brighten up any salad or greens.
Some vitamins are fat soluble so the olive oil will enable you to absorb them.