Page 24 - Kay Handyside - Fat to Flat Belly
P. 24
1. Only eat if you are really hungry. Many times we eat because we are bored. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO EAT !!!! Forget what anyone has told you - if you can pinch an inch at your belly - you can go without a meal or two .
2. Trust your appetite - if you take a glass of water are you still hungry ?
3. The broccoli hunger test - would you eat some broccoli ? If not then you are NOT hungry
4. You should be able to go 5 hours without food- this means you are burning fat for fuel. If you are a carbohydrate eater and burner you get hungry quicker. We need to help you flick the switch remember - from carb or sugar burner to FAT BURNER. This may take some time so bear with it.
5. Eat until you are SATISFIED or NO LONGER HUNGRY - NOT completely full. This will take practice but begin by slowing the rate at which you eat. Put your knife and fork down between mouthfuls .
6. It takes 20 minutes for your stomach to send “ full “ signals to your brain. If you eat until you are FULL then you are always stretching your stomach so it takes longer for you to feel full and you keep eating more and more.. vicious cycle
7. Eat without any distractions, do not eat in front of your computer, TV, driving or anything else. Focus on your food. BE MIND-FULL
8. Use smaller plates. This is a tested theory that the bigger your bowls and plates the more you eat.
9. Avoid having second helpings
10. If you cannot finish your plate do not worry simply cover and have later or tomorrow . Never feel like you have to finish everything on your plate. In fact its good to test yourself and practice leaving food.
11. Eat REAL food , natural nutritionally dense foods are full of vitamins and minerals needed to build strong bones and muscles. They give you energy and fill you up
12. Man made foods are full of chemicals that impede your weight loss. They trigger you to eat more and lead to inflammation in the body. Food companies spend a fortune engineering foods to make you eat more !!!!