Page 26 - Kay Handyside - Fat to Flat Belly
P. 26
When you first take all the sugar and processed carbohydrates out of your diet you may feel sluggish, tired and irritable - this is perfectly normal - it is commonly referred to as Keto-flu
Push through this. Once you have cracked it you are off to a roaring start. This may last for 2 weeks or so - its individual , but once you have passed through it you will feel so much more energetic than ever before and the weight around your belly will melt off . Believe me you will ask yourself why have I never done this before ?
All vegetables EXCEPT white potatoes- replace these with sweet potatoes and yams. And avoid SWEETCORN - they feed this to pigs to fatten them up.
You can eat frozen vegetables too but fresh vegetables are much better
RAW and UNSALTED nuts ( beware some nuts are fried in oil - avoid these )
OILS extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil , grass-fed butter ( kerrigold ) ,
ORGANIC MEATS + EGGS we want to avoid all the hormones from factory farmed meat and eggs. Always buy organic. Just eat less.
If you are leaving out all the junk food then you deserve to eat higher quality healthy foods. Remember everything you eat is absorbed by the body - you do not want to add all these man made hormones and chemicals into your genetic make up. Lamb, beef, chicken, pork, eggs, fish, shellfish are all good sources of protein and fat
Meat on the bone is even better for you as you get extra nutrients from the bone
Water sparkling or still, Black coffee , green tea and any other teas (ALL without milk and sugar )
Cheese - organic where possible .
As many herbs and spices as you like .Try chilli and hot curry powders - they have cumin and other good spices in them and they also help you to eat less.