Page 77 - Kay Handyside - Fat to Flat Belly
P. 77

        Exercise Description
Month 2
Month 3
Swiss ball curl ups
Lie face up on a swiss ball - the wider your legs the more stable you are . The ball should be comfortably supporting your back
Draw your belly button into your spine prior to flexing your trunk
As you curl up roll your spine from your head to its base of your spine squeezing the abs together as you finish the curl
Do not tug on the head. Lower slowly to the start
12 reps 3 sets
15 reps 3 sets
Glute Bridges
Lie on your back , knees bent , soles of the feet flat on the floor - heels underneath the knees
Squeeze your butt cheeks together as you lift the hips as high as you can . Pause at the top
Feel a stretch in the front of your hips . Hold 10’
Add weight - held over the hips . Bar, kettlebell , dumbbell or weight plate
Add more weight , 10 reps x 5 sets
      Lower slowly

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