Page 2 - iTrac - The Story
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was simply a lack of time. It was at this moment   existence, the benefits of advanced iTrac  tech-
                                                                                                             that I was compelled to pursue creating a device   nology became available to patients (and doc-
                                                                                                             that would meet my high standards for safety,   tors) beyond the walls of my Manhattan, Kansas
                                                                                                             effectiveness, aesthetics and technology for the   clinic.  I’ve  had  the  pleasure  of  hosting  many
                                                                                                             benefit  of  my  future  patients.  For  the  next  18   non-CBP chiropractors in my technique-diverse
                                                                                                             months, utilizing the manufacturing and product   clinic who, as a result of iTrac  technology, are
                                                                                                             development expertise of my business partner,   interested in incorporating structural correction
                                                                                                             Galen Ackerman, the iTrac  Therapy   “I was compelled to   into their own clinics while main-
                iTrac          ®                                                                             System was born. When I opened my   pursue creating a device   taining  their  existing  practice
                                                                                                                                                                       style. Additionally, after accepting
                                                                                                             practice  in  June,  2005,  I  began  ad- that would meet my high
                                                                                                             ministering  the  first  computer-con- standards for safety,
                                                                                                                                                                       Dr.  Deed  Harrison’s  invitation  to
                Origin                              lordosis. So, in 2003, I began considering what          trolled pneumatic cervical extension   effectiveness, aesthetics   install  an  iTrac   unit  in  his  CBP
                                                                                                                                               and technology for the
                                                                                                                                                                       Doctor  Institute  in  Boise,  Idaho,
                                                                                                             traction  therapy  ever  used.  Post-
                                                    my practice would look like following my 2004
                                                                                                                                               benefit of my future
                                                    graduation. Throughout this process I was sur-           treatment exam results revealed that   patients.” -Dr. Nichols  CBP   doctors  from  around  the
                                                                                                                                                                       world  receive  firsthand  training
                                                                                                             the iTrac’s progressive application of
                                                    prised and then frustrated with the limited op-          traction forces greatly enchanced the therapy’s   experience with this new device. As a growing
                                                    tions available for extension traction equipment.        capacity to remodel spinal tissues while simul-  number  of  doctors  utilize  the  iTrac   system,  I
                                                    The commercially available devices were archaic
      Dr. Nichols’ Story                                                                                     taneously  maintaining  a  high-level  of  patient   am  thrilled  by  the  testimonials  I  receive.  I  am
                                                    and burdensome for both doctors and staff alike.         comfort. This was evidenced by the correction   excited  about  the  incredible  stories  of  heal-
      “In 1981, the late Dr. Don Harrison pioneered   I recognized a chasm between the advanced sci-         results  that  were  significantly  greater  than  the   ing  these  doctors  pass  along  from  their  pa-
      the  first  cervical  extension  traction  methods   ence of Chiropractic BioPhysics  protocols and    predicate suspended weight equipment. In 2009   tients and I am truly humbled by the fact that
      to  restore  the  cervical  lordosis  in  his  patients.   the extremely low-tech equipment available to   we signed an exclusive license agreement with   iTrac   has  been  part  of  this  process.  My  hope
      Twenty years later, in 2001, I enrolled at Palmer   deliver the therapy in clinical practice. While at-  Pivotal Health Solutions to manufacture and mar-  is that you and your patients will have the op-
      College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa and   tending a CBP  seminar I asked Dr. Don why ad-        ket the product. Later that same year U.S. Patent   portunity to experience the numerous benefits
      began  pursuing  my  career.  The  era  between   vances in CBP  devices had not coincided with        7,601,132  was  issued  for  the  iTrac   system.    of iTrac Therapy that my patients and I have.”
      1981  and  2001  brought  advancements  in  the   advances  in  the  CBP   science.  His  simple  yet   In  2014,  FDA  510(k)  clearance  (K131983)  was
      area of structural spinal rehabilitation as trans-  profound response would change the trajectory      obtained  and  for  the  first  time  in  its  10-year
      verse  loads  were  applied  simultaneously  with   of my career. Dr. Don expressed how important it
      cervical extension. These traction methods were   was for the CBP  leaders to continue publishing
      part of the first studies in the literature to demon-  research instead of developing equipment. The
      strate non-operative restoration of the cervical   dilemma was certainly not a lack of expertise, it
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