Page 5 - iTrac - The Story
P. 5

Spinal Curve Remodeling

            Safety                                    Comfort
            Multi-layered software, pneumatic         Variable Rate Progressive Traction
            and mechanical safety features            enhances patient comfort and
            including patient-controlled “stop”       compliance while maximizing
 Before Correction  After Correction
            button ensure patient safety and          effectiveness of traction treatments.
 Need       enhance patient confidence.
 Forward Head Posture and Cervical
 Passion  Curve Loss are reaching epidemic            Results
 for the  proportions. The need for a                 “I suffered with chronic daily headaches and
 Patients  structural solution is greater now         neck pain for nearly 2 years. I was prescribed
 than ever.                                           Botox injections and muscle relaxers from my
                                                      medical provider, with no results. I continued
 Acute symptoms caused by Forward                     to search for alternative options and found a
 Head Posture and Cervical Curve                      chiropractor who integrates iTrac  Therapy with
 Loss can be temporarily relieved                     her traditional chiropractic care to restore the
 with traditional chiropractic                        neck curve. iTrac  is relaxing and has helped
 manipulative therapy but                             eliminate the headaches and neck pain. I have
 sustainable structural correction and                been able to stop taking pain medication and
 subsequent long-term relief can only   Before iTrac® Correction  After iTrac® Correction  I have full range of motion in my neck. I have
 be achieved through the addition of                  been able to get back to enjoying life!”
 spine remodeling therapy.  Patient Curve  Ideal Curve  -Sean G. – 33, male, Military Veteran
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