Page 6 - iTrac - The Story
P. 6

Doctor                                      Technology                                                                                   Endorsement

               & Clinic                                    State-of-the-art, ergonomic design                                                           “This is my favorite of all traction devices. Two-
               Benefits                                    enhances the modern office
                                                           environment and improves patient                                                             way loading with documentation of force, time
                                                           comfort and compliance.                                                                      and angle. Sleek in function and form. Technology
                                                           Precise computer control results in                                                          driven. It just doesn’t get any  better.”
             Efficiency                                    consistent, repeatable treatments                                                            -Dr. Chris Colloca - Chiropractor, PhD
             Seamlessly integrated into existing           and reduces the risk of human error.                                                         Neuromechanical Innovations
             practice procedures.                          Automated record keeping system
             Minimal doctor time required.                 records and documents                                                                        “Ever since I saw Dr. Nichols’ iTrac  units at a
             Compact device footprint allows               force, angle and time settings from                                                          CBP Annual a few years back, I knew that I had
             maximum utilization of valuable               each completed treatment.                                                                    to have one... I ended up purchasing two. These
             office space.                                                                                                                              units have absolutely exceeded my expectations.
             Assistants and staff can quickly set                                                                                                       My motivation was simple: I wanted to improve
             up and administer treatments.                                                                                                              the patient experience by making it more
                                                                                                                                                        comfortable, be more specific and consistent with
                                                     Versatility                                                                                        the treatment, streamline the documentation and
                                                     Expandable system allows up to                                                                     make it quicker for my staff. All these things have
                                                     8 individual iTrac  devices to be                                                                  happened since we have been using these units.
                                                     controlled simultaneously from a                                                                   The patients love the iTrac  units and are much
                                                     single computer to fit the scale of                                                                more likely to follow their treatment plans. I’ve
                                                     any practice.                                                                                      seen tremendous changes on post x-rays, too!
                                                     Easily add additional iTrac  units as                                                              There is also a certain “WOW” factor having such
                                                     your clinic grows and the demand                                                                   advanced equipment that, I must admit, feels
                                                     for spine remodeling increases.                                                                    good. I love impressing my patients and with these
                                                                                                                                                        iTracs  - I have done that and much more!”
                                                                                                                                                        -Dr. Dan Kraus - Chiropractor
                                                                                                                                                        Terrapin Care Center
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