Page 13 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 13
GRS Bangalore Skills Central: A Centralized portal to view and manage GRSB Employees’ Trainings, Certifications and Skills
GRSB Skills Central is a Certifications Report
centralized portal to view and The Certifications Report
manage skills of GRS provides a graphical
Bangalore employees. representation of certifications
categorized by teams and
The data integration between vendors. Raw data download
CDP, LMS and TCI enables is enabled for users with CAP
seamless and centralized and WW roles.
tracking/driving of an
employee’s trainings, Training Status Report
certifications and skills. This The Training Status Report
portal is designed to enable provides a graphical
agility and simplification in the representation of various
process of identification and Training Statuses sorted by
development of the right the teams. It allows to view a
resources for a project. snapshot of the most chosen
trainings. Raw data download
Skills Central went live on June has been enabled for all CAP
26, and since then, several and WW roles.
enhancements have been made
to the portal which will now Utilisation Report
facilitate managers to view The Utilization Report will
insightful reports on their team’s provide a graphical
skills, certifications and representation of skills
trainings. utilization sorted by the team
and a vendor-wise snapshot.
Here’s a short summary of the Raw data download has been
enhancements. enabled for all CAP, WW roles
and Service Delivery