Page 10 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 10
GRS Bangalore RPS Solution Hub won the Customer
from tough competition
GRSB RPS Solution Hub was Sunil Kumar led the team of
engaged to provide a seamless Pursuit/ Delivery Architects and
hybrid solution to Cerner, an applied innovative ways to solution
American supplier of health services with the right blend of
information technology (HIT) onsite, remote technology,
services, devices and hardware, customer relationship and program
which enabled HPE to win this deal management resources to bring
from a tough competition. the customer back to the
discussion table and helped HPE
Cerner was looking for a complete executives to pursue negotiations.
refresh of their existing P9500
environment with HPE Storage The customer was impressed with
complemented by HPE Pointnext this innovative approach and thus
Services to migrate nearly 24PB we won the service deal for HPE
mission critical data. with a million dollar contract.
The accounts team faced several Cerner is the largest storage
challenges due to tough customer for HPE in North America
competition for the product and with ~124 P9500 storage
migration services. When the deal systems. The Migration Service
was almost lost to the competitors, include a long-term engagement of
the RPS Solution Hub team approx. 2 years with heavy
engaged with the account/ pursuit engagement of Remote Delivery
teams at the right time and teams.
proposed innovative ways to
Kudos Sunil Kumar K U, Mayank
optimize services cost and value Kudos Sunil Kumar K U, Mayank
Jain, Thirupathi Naidu, Rajiv
add in terms of efforts and Jain, Thirupathi Naidu, Rajiv
Kulkarni and Sunil Thomas for
schedule optimization. Kulkarni and Sunil Thomas for
winning back the customer!
winning back the customer!