Page 5 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 5

GRS Bangalore RPS has achieved yet another milestone to Excellence with ‘The
  Sainsbury Group’

                                                                                                                              A huge round of applause to
  GRS Bangalore RPS was engaged             across HPE were involved in this          The delivery team demonstrated          the Delivery team for creating
  to deliver remote services for LAN        complex migration, coordinating &         utmost professionalism and              yet another milestone.
  & Wireless LAN migration from             leading the migration was one of          technical leadership which fetched
  Cisco to Aruba and post-migration         the main challenges which was             several appreciations from the
  support to one of our esteemed            exceptionally outperformed by the         regional stakeholders and country            Milan Chandra                   Balachander J
  customers, The Sainsbury Group,           RPS team.                                 leadership.                                  Kiran Kumar P                   Arun Dev Singh
  the second-largest chain of                                                                                                      Shashank Yadav                  M Rinish
  supermarkets in the UK.                   This engagement was a long               For more details on this success              Balraj Sagar                    Ashutosh Pattanayak
                                            journey which transitioned through       story, please reach out to KN,                Imran Sheik Manzoor             Raghavendra M
  GRSB RPS was initially engaged            Phase I and Phase II, from the           Ramesh                                        Laxman Singh Bisht              NR Babu
  with the onshore project team to          time it started, through execution                                                     Rana Ranjit Singh               L Archana
  provide remote support and post           and ultimately close-out. As part of                                                   Pradeep G                       Velluva Sandeep
  migration support to the migration        this project, 88 sites were migrated                                                   Vengadesh Elumalai              Deekshith M Shetty
  team and the customer. During this        during Phase I and 394 sites were                                                      B Somashekar                    Sunesh P V
  phase, the RPS team proved their          migrated in Phase II.                                                                  Manoj Kumar S                   Umesh Rajashekhariah
  knowledge & expertise in resolving                                                                                               Ranjith S Amin                  Sudipta Paul
  some of the critical migration            This is a great example of valor                                                       Pankaj Shrimali                 Vinod S
  issues and showcased exceptional          shown by the team with                                                                 Aneesh P S                      Ramesh KN
  leadership qualities, which resulted      outstanding results through true
  in the allocation of critical migration   leadership and team commitment.
  tasks and create migration lead           Listed below are some highlights of
  roles within the project team.            the high-level statistical figures:

  A strong 22 member crew from
  RPS was part of this huge                    482 Superstores and Convenience stores upgraded improving the
  endeavor. Although multiple                    customer and colleague experience
  stakeholders                                 More than 1000 Aruba switches installed
                                               More than 14000 Aruba access points installed
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