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P. 4

GRS Bangalore GDS(IPS) turnaround the customer
    experience with their impressive technical rationale

    Bennett, Coleman and Company               The GRSB GDS(IPS) L2 team                                                                       CUSTOMER WINS
    Limited, commonly known as ‘The            demonstrated strong capabilities
    Times Group, is India’s largest            and recovered from the outage
    media conglomerate and one of              quickly. This incident induced a
    the largest circulation of English-        setback as the next upgrade
    language newspapers in the world.          planned was on their production
    The company has a legacy of 181            array which was one of the most
    years and is a top account of HPE.         critical systems hosting their
                                               advertisement and billing data.
    The Times Group was looking to
    upgrade their storage to the latest        To help provide a smooth customer
    firmware version and the GDS               experience, significant                     The GRSB GDS(IPS) team in
    (IPS) team was engaged in this             preparations were carried out in            collaboration with the India field
    task. Upon evaluation, it was learnt       collaboration with the field team on        team achieved an impeccable feat
    that both their 3PAR systems were          the hardware stocking, firmware             which garnered appreciations not
    not upgraded for a long time and           analysis and deployment planning.           just from the top management but
    the firmware version had entered           In addition to this, the team laid out      also from the CIO of BCCL.
    the EOSL (End of support life), and        a robust plan backed by technical
    needed an immediate upgrade to             rationale to ensure a seamless              Kudus to the GRSB GDS (IPS)
    mitigate any potential risks.              upgrade was carried out on their            Management and Technical team:
                                               critical 3PAR storage.                      Murugappan, Ramakrishna,
    This project kicked-off with an                                                        Kamal Kumar, Dinesh and Dhana
    upgrade at their Disaster Recovery         With an agile strategic plan in             Shekar for winning a happy
    site. After the upgrade was                place, immaculate presence of               customer.
    completed, a service disruption            mind, dedication and teamwork,
    encountered due to a power supply          the GDS (IPS) team completed a              For more details on this success
    failure.                                   flawless strategic execution of the         story, please reach out to Praveen
                                               2-phase upgrade by handling the             Kumar S and Shashank Shekhar
                                               technical challenges gracefully.            Sharma
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