Page 7 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 7

GRSB RPS collaborated with Cloud Technology Partner to help Morgan Stanley
  with their Cloud Acceleration Journey

   GRSB RPS cloud team in                    With an extensive experience, the         approach, commitment and for
   partnership with Cloud Technology         RPS team worked closely with the          delivering an outstanding
   Partner (CTP) helped Morgan               customer at various stages and            customer experience.
   Stanley accelerate their cloud            contributed to personalized/custom
   journey with Cloud Migration              made Terraform modules/                   The phenomenal execution of last
   Solutions Azure Landing Zone. The         components for an Azure Landing           seven months, technical
   customer was planning to use              Zone, Execution scripts                   expertise, flexibility & teamwork
   Azure DevOps as the CI/CD tool.           (Bash/PowerShell) for automating          earned the customer’s trust &
                                             terraform execution, SCM best             confidence and as a result they
   The RPS cloud team diligently             practices, Diagrams and                   signed up for a long term
   worked on this project and was            Architectural design for cross team       additional assignment of Cloud
   successful in performing the              enablement and  configuration &           Software Developers & extension
   Automating deployment of their            implementation of Azure DevOps            of the Cloud DevOps.
   Azure Resources, Azure                    for CI-CD. The team was also
   Governance, Azure policy &                actively engaged to provide support       A big shout-out to this incredible
   compliance.                               to the ongoing improvements of the        team for achieving yet another
                                             framework to be more adaptive to          milestone. Keep up the great
   Initially, the Morgan Stanley project     multi-client/multi-tenant.                work!
   was funded by Microsoft. After the
   funds were exhausted, the                 The RPS team received multiple            For more information on this great
   customer was confident in our             appreciations throughout the project      success, please contact
   project development and current           from various stakeholders from            Arunkumar Aruchamy, Shuchita
   team's skills and capabilities and        across the organization and from          Tripathi and Prannoy Seal.
   therefore granted a 6 months              the customer for their excellent
   extension to CTP.
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