Page 9 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 9

GRS Bangalore RPS Solution Hub achieved yet another
     milestone to Excellence with UIDAI India

    GRS RPS Solution Hub played a               A final review meet was conducted
    crucial role in winning a successful        with the accounts team and
    UIDAI bid and was engaged to                Solution Architects to finalize the
    transition their existing IT                solution content for various
    infrastructure assets and                   technologies and thus the team
    operations from the current                 was successful in creating a
    managed services Infrastructure             unified Technical Solution
    provider (MSIP).                            Proposal.

    Given the magnitude and                     The Technical Response achieved
    complexity of this project, RPS             90% score, whereas the
    Solution Hub acted as an extended           competitors got far less scores,
    arm for the India team and played           keeping HPE much ahead of the
    a pivotal role in support to win this       competition and finally winning the
    bid.                                        deal.

    This bid was expertly put together          In addition to this, the RPS
    by the Solution Hub team by                 Solution Hub team performed the
    bringing knowledge and skills of            Delivery Assurance review for the
    each member to the table.                   overall solution and ensured to call
                                                out any delivery risk in advance
    The RPS Solution Hub team                   which might affect the delivery of
    conducted several workshops with            the project.
    the India Pursuit/ Presales Team to
    understand the needs and                    A huge round of applause to the
    requirements and charted a                  Sunil Kumar K U and Ashish
    Technical Response document in              Anand for making this possible!
    line with the customer defined RFP
    (request for proposal).
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