Page 6 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 6

GRS Bangalore GDS (IPS) successfully completed a critical rebalancing
    activity to Tabcorp and won back their trust and confidence

   GRSB GDS(IPS) performed a                 In addition to this, it made even         Vishal and Krishnendu were
   seamless rebalancing activity to          more difficult for the Customer           applauded and congratulated for
   Tabcorp, one of Australia’s biggest       engineer to add/remove the cages          their end-to-end ownership and
   leading diversified gambling              as the customer had installed             customer centric approach which
   entertainment group.                      these racks one above the other to        not only helped to restore the
                                             accommodate space for more                customer’s faith in our service but
   This was a challenging project as         arrays.                                   also led to a series of admirations
   the customer had a history of not                                                   from the customer and accounts
   having a good experience with             Despite these complications,              team for their flawless delivery
   HPE in their previous engagement          Krishnendu from the Hardware              and timely involvement.
   and this time there was intense           CSR team who is known for his
   pressure on the GDS(IPS) team.            excellent exposure on upgrades,           Congratulations Vishal and
                                             gracefully handled this complex           Krishnendu for winning back a
   The Tabcorp project involved all          situation and pulled off the              happy customer!
   kinds of complicated hardware             upgrades without any flaws.
   activities such as de-installation,
   BITB, Data movement, Cage                 In addition to this, Vishal from
   removal, Drive removal in the             Hardware CSR made a wrap up
   donor, OOTB, Cage addition, Drive         call with the customer to take their       For more details on this
   addition, Servicemag6 and OS              feedback on the upgrades. He               success story, please reach
   upgrade. The real challenge was           learnt that the customer was               out to Yuvaraja A, Madhu NR
   with their huge datacenter set-up         extremely satisfied with the service
   which consisted of different storage      and the team was successful in
   vendor arrays from Dell EMC,              regaining their trust and
   NetApp, IBM, HPE and Hitachi.             confidence.
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