Page 96 - EAMMV3
P. 96
“perfect” your goals and dreams. When Elon Musk was
in his early twenties, he’d phone the Perfect Strangers
he’d read about in magazines or seen on TV and ask
them out to lunch.
Danger Strangers
And then there are the Danger Strangers, people
who, right or wrong, set off your fight or flight
response the moment you see them. If you’ve watched
enough episodes of Law and Order, seen enough
gangster movies or cheap reality TV, or played enough
games of Grand Theft Auto you probably have a bit of
a distorted idea of who you can trust at first sight and
who you can’t.
The world isn’t a TV show or a video game; it’
s a
reality. Most parts of all towns and cities are safe, but
your street smarts and common sense should tell you
don’t walk alone down dark alleys at night, don’t flash
wads of cash in public, and don’t get drunk in places
you don’t know. Do make an effort to blend in to your
surroundings as much as possible, do draw in the
support of total strangers—people of your choice—if
you feel unsafe, do use your common sense, and above