Page 97 - EarthAngelsMatos
P. 97

sad he has no one to talk to. This made one thing
perfectly clear. We all need to talk to each other. We
need to keep each other going.”
Here Comes the Bride
“I made friends with someone on the train,” says
Rosie. “I ended up being a bridesmaid for her. Now I
have a lovely group of friends locally. So, it’s not hard.
You just have to start a conversation.”
Many of us go through life hoping that others will
somehow read our minds and fulfill them without our
having to say a word. Sometimes we’
re even
disappointed or feel rejected when people don’t
provide what we want. The best way of getting what
you want, though, is often just asking for it.
A Near Miss
Yesterday I flew from Munich to Detroit, wrote
Christy. I so much wanted to take your advice and
assume rapport with the woman sitting next to me just
to see if I could, but she was playing a game on her
phone, and the more I thought about it, the more I
knew it wasn’t going to happen. It just got further

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