Page 29 - Prestige Brochure
P. 29


                               Pre-sun care for face.    Sunscreen cream for face.  Soothing after-sun care for face.
                                Préparation U.V.:           Protection U.V.:             Réparation U.V.:
                          The  Preparation  U.V.  care  boosts  the   Thanks to the synergy between 100%   Thanks to its formula rich in moistu-
                          natural tanning of the skin and prepares   natural mineral filters without nano-  rizing,  relipidating  and  anti-inflam-
                          it to sun exposure. It helps prevent the   particles and innovative botanical ac-  matory botanical active ingredients,
                          apparition of dark spots and slow down   tive ingredients, Protection U.V. cream   the Réparation U.V. care soothes and
                          the  skin  aging  fighting  against  free   helps protect the epidermis from the   regenerates the skin after the sun ex-
                          radicals. It is recommended for all Skin   harmful effects of UVA, UVB and in-  posure while slowing down the skin
                          Instants .                   fra-red rays. It is recommended for all   aging fighting against free radicals. It
                                                       Skin Instants . Water resistant. Tested   is recommended for all Skin Instants .
                                                       under dermatological control.

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