Page 33 - Prestige Brochure
P. 33


                                                                      Body Wraps
                                                                      Biologique Recherche has a
                                                                      range of special marine algae
                                                                      body wraps designed to help
                                                                      the body eliminate toxins in
                                                                      preparation for more intensive
                                                                      slimming treatments. These
                                                                      wraps revitalize the body and
                                                                      prepare it for the next specific
               Result: exfoliating, stimulating   Result: eliminates excess of sebum
               body treatment that leaves the   without irritating or dehydrating
                 skin toned and revitalized.   the epidermis.
                                                                                                 Result: cleanses and disinfects
                 Gommage P50 Corps:        Masque Bain de Plantes:                                the skin leaving it glowing.
              Exfoliates  the  epidermis  and  rids  the   Thanks to its 13 active ingredients, the
              skin of dead cells and impurities. This   Masque Bain de Plantes brings gentle          Gel d’Algues*:
              exfoliator  stimulates  the  epidermal   purifying action and helps regulate     Gel d’Algues lightens and unifies the
              functions by optimizing cell renewal.   the excess of sebum. The epidermis is    skin and refines its texture.
                                        rebalanced and deep-cleansed.                          It is recommended for skin with

                                                                        Result: softens, revitalizes   Result: cleanses, disinfects
                                                                          and tones the skin.     and re-mineralizes the skin.
                                                                        Gel d’Algues aux Huiles    Algues Auto-Chauffantes*/**:
                                                                         Essentielles MC 110*:   Self-heating algae eliminates dead
                Result: exfoliates and unifies                       This  detoxifying,  energizing  gel   cells and refine the texture of the skin.
                the epidermis of keratinized                         formulated  with  Thyme,  Mint,  They contain marine salts, which
                       hands.                                        Cypress  and  Lemon  Essential  Oils,   stimulate,  detoxify  and  re-mineralize
                                                                     stimulates, cleanses and disinfects   the epidermis.
                Masque Gommage Mains:                                the epidermis. The Phyto-Plancton in
              Masque Gommage Mains contains                          the  MC  110  complex  tones  the  skin
                exfoliating, moisturizing and unifying               tissue.  A full body wrap provides a
              agents, which leave the skin smooth                    sense of well-being and relaxation. It
              and attenuate pigment disorders.                       is recommended for cases of cellulite
              It is ideal for keratinized, dry hands                 combined with swollen Skin Instants .
              and/or hands with pigmentation irreg-
                                                                                                       * For professional use only
                                                                                    ** These products may not be available in some countries
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