Page 34 - Prestige Brochure
P. 34

treatment stage


                       Body Oils

                       and Complexes

                       Biologique Recherche has a range of specific
                       Oils and Complexes designed to treat, repair
                       and restore the skin’s beauty. They can be
                       used alone or in combination with the
                       creams to stimulate the effects of their active
                       ingredients. They are rapidly absorbed and do
                       not leave an oily residue on the skin.

                                   Result: fights against        Result: leaves the skin supple,   Result: repairs and soothes
                                   the slackening of the            beautiful and silky.                the skin.
                                  dermo-epidermal matrix.
                                                                    Huile Bénéfique:                 Body Oxygénant:
                                    Sérum Matriciel:           Huile  Bénéfique  softens  the  outer   This repairing, soothing treatment
                              Firming  serum  that  prevents  slacken-  layers of  the  epidermis and leaves  a   is  rich  in  Corn  Oil  and  the  Specific
                              ing  of  the  dermo-epidermal  matrix  by   rich film of protecting agents to prevent   Biologique  Recherche  Oxygenating
                              stimulating the synthesis of support pro-  dehydration.          Complex.  It  smoothes  the  skin  and
                              teins, collagen and elastin fibers. Works   Recommended for skins that are   combats cellulite on a daily basis. It
                              to boost the skin’s elasticity and smooth   already tanned, delipidated and / or   is recommended for all skin types and
                              epidermal irregularities. The spray pack-  dehydrated.           is ideal for treatment of “orange peel
                              aging facilitates application to targeted                        skin” and sunburn.
                              areas (bust, inner arms and thighs) and
                              the penetration of active ingredients. Rec-
                              ommended for toneless Skin Instants .
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