Page 6 - UVSpecPaperBDASWhitePaperandBMGLabTechNote
P. 6

(17) though provide references here detailing the use of  with another research group in the near future. The
        other instruments including those dedicated simply to  evaluation and assessment of many more beverages are
        distilled spirits authenticity testing and product quality  now possible through the use of UV-visible spectroscopy.
        evaluations. One key advantage with micro-well plate  Such results will impact quality, safety, the collection of
        reading is the ability to ensure a narrow path length via  taxes and a reduction in economic losses to the industry
        small volume sample addition. In other instruments  through detection of fake and adulterated products in
        there is sometimes a need to switch path-length devices  the marketplace and possibly via “authentic seals of
        which may slow down analysis time. In addition only a  approval” via regulatory testing bodies. Application
        single sample can be tested via pumping sample through  of the technique in analyzing competitor samples and
        such units.                                            product formulation are also possible through this
                                                               methodology. Rapid aging for measuring deterioration
        Regardless as to single or multiple analyses at one time  of quality or rapid aging/maturation of spirits may
        the ability to test many types and styles of beverages is  also be examined via “fingerprinting” and monitoring
        the main aim of our short discourse here; providing what  changes in Maillard reaction components (for example)
        we feel to be an important introduction to the industry.  and “bleaching” of samples as noted by specific regional
        The reader will be able to evaluate the advantages and  peak and shoulder changes (unpublished observations
        disadvantages of each type of instrument as it applies to  and see below).
        their specific needs and situation. The literature on this
        topic is limited and largely represented in our reference  Results and Conclusions  Typical data for  a range of
        list. This literature will, however, hopefully assist both  distilled spirits – white or raw un-aged spirits and aged
        the beverage manufacturer in assessing the scope of this  (usually exhibiting color derived during maturation)
        methodology  and  the  manufacturers  of  instruments  are shown  in Figure  1, five sherry samples  in Figure
        applicable to this field of testing. Such manufacturers  2, several Bourbon barrel aged beers in Figure 3
        are now reaching out to the beverage industries in  and Pilsner  beers  in Figure 4.  The  data show clear
        regards to authenticity issues and routine evaluations.  discrimination between different spirit types, different
        Furthermore, an understanding of the power of the  brewer’s beers and differentially (naturally) aged sherry
        technique should lead to an expansion of the database  samples. Multiple repeat measurements on each sample
        of beverage information. So far tequila, whiskey (1-8),  and in several cases replicates (e.g., different bottle and
        a few wines (10, 11), and a specialized beer style (12)  canned batches of samples) showed little variability
        have been evaluated and detailed in the literature. We  both between runs and within runs (see Fig. 4). Figure
        have expanded on beer analyses and hope to apply some  1 shows the power of the method in discriminating
        chemometric evaluations in an ongoing collaboration  between different classes of distilled spirit and between

                                               Figure 3: A selection of Bourbon barrel aged ales and stouts.

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