Page 207 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
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206    Part 3   •  Organizing
                                              How Can Managers Design Efficient and Effective Flexible Work
                A work arrangement in which employees work at   Arrangements?
                home and are linked to the workplace by computer
                                              Accenture consultant Keyur Patel’s job arrangement is becoming the norm, rather than the
                                              exception.  During a recent consulting assignment, he had three clocks on his desk: one set
                                              to Manila time (where his software programmers were), one to Bangalore (where another
                                              programming support team worked), and the third for San Francisco, where he was spend-
                                              ing four days a week helping a major retailer implement IT systems to track and improve
                                              sales. And his cell phone kept track of the time in Atlanta, his home, where he headed on
                                              Thursday evenings.
                                                  For this new breed of professionals, life is a blend of home and office, work and leisure.
                                              Thanks to technology, work can now be done anywhere, anytime. As organizations adapt
                                              their structural designs to these new realities, we see more of them adopting flexible work-
                                              ing arrangements. Such arrangements not only exploit the power of technology, but also give
                                                organizations the flexibility to deploy employees when and where needed. In this section,
                                              we’re going to take a look at some different types of flexible work arrangements, including
                                              telecommuting; compressed workweeks, flextime, and job sharing; and contingent work-
                                              force. As with the other structural options we’ve looked at, managers must evaluate these in
                                              light of the implications for decision making, communication, authority relationships, work
                                              task accomplishment, and so forth.

                                              whaT’s inVolVed in TeleCommuTinG?  Information technology has made telecom-
                                              muting  possible and external environmental changes have made it  necessary for many
                                               organizations. Telecommuting is a work arrangement in which employees work at home
                                              and are linked to the workplace by computer. Needless to say, not every job is a candidate
                                              for telecommuting. But many are.
                                                  Working from home used to be considered a “cushy perk” for a few lucky employees
                                              and such an arrangement wasn’t allowed very often. Now, many businesses view telecom-
                                              muting as a business necessity. For instance, at SCAN Health Plan, the company’s chief
                                              financial officer said that getting more employees to telecommute provided the company
                                              a way to grow  without having to incur any additional fixed costs such as office buildings,
                                              equipment, or parking lots.  In addition, some companies view the arrangement as a way
                Airbnb, the global travel rental firm, uses
                telecommuters and a contingency workforce   to combat high gas prices and to attract talented employees who want more freedom and
                of part-time, temporary, and freelance work-  control over their work.
                ers. Flexible work arrangements, including   Despite its apparent appeal, many managers are reluctant to have their employees be-
                those for employees shown here at Airbnb’s     51
                office in Dublin, enable the company to con-  come “laptop hobos.”  They argue that employees might waste time surfing the Internet or
                nect people in more than 34,000 cities and   playing online games instead of working, ignore clients, and desperately miss the camara-
                190 countries either online or from a mobile   derie and social exchanges of the workplace. In addition, managers worry about how they’ll
                phone or tablet.
                                                                              “manage” these employees. How do you interact
                                                                              with  an  employee  and  gain  his  or  her  trust  when
                                                                              they’re  not  physically  present?  And  what  if  their
                                                                              work performance isn’t up to par? How do you make
                                                                              suggestions  for  improvement?  Another  significant
                                                                              challenge is making sure that company information
                                                                              is kept safe and secure when employees are working
                                                                              from home.
                                                                                  Employees often express the same con-
                                                                              cerns about working remotely, especially when it
                                                                              comes to the isolation of not being “at work.” At
                                                                              Accenture, where employees are scattered around
                                                                              the world, the chief human resources  officer says
               View Pictures/Newscom                                          that it isn’t easy to maintain that esprit de corps.
                                                                              However, the company put in place  a number
                                                                              of  programs  and   processes  to  create  that  sense
                                                                              of belonging for its workforce including  Web
                                                                                conferencing tools,  assigning each employee
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