Page 211 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
P. 211

210    Part 3   •  Organizing
                       organizing still an important managerial function? Why   security concerns, what other issues do organizations
                     or why not?                                           face?
                  6-8  You are responsible for identifying the important char-  6-10  Draw an organization chart of an organization with which
                     acteristics of a learning organization. Using examples,   you’re familiar (where you work, a student organization
                     explain the features you think will allow organizational   to which you belong, your college or university, etc.). Be
                     learning to take place.                               very careful in showing the  departments (or groups) and
                  6-9  A boundaryless organization has the ability to change   especially be careful to get the chain of command correct.
                     how employees may do their work. In addition to       Be prepared to share your chart with the class.


                  Go to for the following Assisted-graded  writing questions:
                  6-11  It’s stated in the chapter that contemporary organiza-  might lower-level managers have to address? (Hint:
                       tion design should be lean, flexible, and innovative.   Think in terms of the six key elements of organization
                       What are the implications of those requirements?  design.)
                  6-12 If organizing is about getting work done effi-  6-13 MyManagementLab Only – comprehensive writing
                       ciently and effectively, what organizing challenges     assignment for this chapter.

                Management Skill Builder     IncReASInG YoUR PoWeR

                Managerial jobs come with the power of authority. But sometimes that authority isn’t enough to get things
                done. And other times you may not want to use your formal authority as a means of getting people to do what
                you want. You may, for instance, want to rely more on your persuasive skills than the power of your title. So
                effective managers increase their power by developing multiple sources of influence.

                    PERSOnAL InvEnTORY ASSESSMEnT                                  P     I   A    PERSONAL
                Gaining Power and Influence

                As you saw in this chapter, power is an important component of an organization’s structure.
                Use this PIA to identify ways that you gain power and influence.

                Skill Basics                                              fear. If you can dismiss, suspend, demote, assign  unpleasant
                                                                          work tasks, or write a negative performance review on some-
                You can increase the likelihood that you’ll survive and thrive   one, you hold coercive power over that person. Conversely,
                in your organization if you learn how to develop a power base.   if you can give someone something of positive value or re-
                Remember, because you have power doesn’t mean you have    move something of negative value—like control pay rates,
                to use it. But it’s nice to be able to call upon it when you do   raises, bonuses, promotions, or work assignments—you
                need it. Four sources of power can be derived from your job.   have reward power. And all managerial positions provide
                Another three sources are based on your personal unique   some degree—though within specific limitations—to exert
                                                                          authority over subordinates. If you can tell someone to do
                •   All management jobs come with the power to coerce,    something and they see this request to be within your for-
                      reward, and impose authority. Coercive power is based on   mal job description, you have authority power over them.
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