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Endnotes CHAPTER 6 • Organizational Structure and Design 215
1. B. Fenwick, “Oklahoma Fac- M. Fandt, “Managing Impressions Organizations (New York: Basic 26. Ibid.
tory Turns Out US Bombs Used in with Information: A Field Study of Books, 1971); D. S. Pugh, “The 27. H. Mintzberg, Structure in Fives:
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<>, December 5, 2013, B6. III, “A Meta-Analytic Review of Hoffman, and B. T. Lamont, “The
2002; and C. Fishman, “Boom- 14. Henri Fayol, General and Indus- the Relationship between Size and Influence of Top Management
town, U.S.A.,” Fast Company, trial Management, trans. C. Storrs Performance: The Productivity Team Characteristics on M-Form
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Work Schedule,” Wall Street Jour- 15. J. Zabojnik, “Centralized and De- tive Science Quarterly, December 466–80.
nal, February 19, 2008, B8. centralized Decision Making in 1985, 462–81. 29. See, for example, R. Greenwood
3. M. Boyle, “Super Bucks,” For- Organizations,” Journal of Labor 22. See, for example, H. M. O’Neill, and D. Miller, “Tackling Design
tune, February 4, 2008, 8–9; and Economics (January 2002): 1–22. “Restructuring, Reengineering and Anew: Getting Back to the Heart
M. Hiestand, “Making a Stamp on 16. See P. Kenis and D. Knoke, “How Rightsizing: Do the Metaphors of Organization Theory,” Acad-
Football,” USA Today, January 25, Organizational Field Networks Make Sense?” Academy of Man- emy of Management Perspec-
2005, 1C+. Shape Interorganizational Tie- agement Executive 8, no. 4 (1994): tives, November 2010, 78–88; G.
4. S. E. Humphrey, J. D. Nahrgang, Formation Rates,” Academy of 9–30; R. K. Reger, J. V. Mullane, J. Castrogiovanni, “Organization
and F. P. Morgeson, “Integrating Management Review, April 2002, L. T. Gustafson, and S. M. De- Task Environments: Have They
Motivational, Social, and Con- 275–93. marie, “Creating Earthquakes to Changed Fundamentally Over
textual Work Design Features: 17. T. Burns and G. M. Stalker, The Change Organizational Mindsets,” Time?” Journal of Management
A Meta-Analytic Summary and Management of Innovation (Lon- Academy of Management Execu- vol. 28, no. 2 (2002): 129–50; D.
Theoretical Expansion of the don: Tavistock, 1961). tive 8, no. 4 (1994): 31–41; and J. F. Twomey, “Leadership, Organi-
Work Design Literature,” Journal 18. D. Dougherty, “Re-imagining the Tan, “Impact of Ownership Type zational Design, and Competitive-
of Applied Psychology (September Differentiation and Integration of on Environment–Strategy Linkage ness for the 21st Century,” Global
2007): 1332–56. Work for Sustained Product In- and Performance: Evidence from a Competitiveness, Annual 2002,
5. E. Kelly, “Keys to Effective Vir- novation,” Organization Science, Transitional Company,” Journal of S31–S40; M. Hammer, “Pro-
tual Global Teams,” Academy September–October 2001, 612–31. Management Studies (May 2002): cessed Change: Michael Hammer
of Management Executive, May 19. A. D. Chandler Jr., Strategy and 333–54. Sees Process as ‘the Clark Kent of
2001, 132–33; and D. Ancona, H. Structure: Chapters in the History 23. E. W. Morrison, “Doing the Job Business Ideas’—A Concept That
Bresman, and K. Kaeufer, “The of the Industrial Enterprise (Cam- Well: An Investigation of Pro- Has the Power to Change a Com-
Comparative Advantage of X- bridge, MA: MIT Press, 1962). Social Rule Breaking,” Journal pany’s Organizational Design,”
Team,” MIT Sloan Management 20. See, for instance, L. L. Bryan of Management (February 2006): Journal of Business Strategy (No-
Review, Spring 2002, 33–39. and C. I. Joyce, “Better Strategy 5–28. vember–December 2001): 11–15;
6. R. S. Benchley, “Following Or- through Organizational Design,” 24. J. Woodward, Industrial Orga- T. Clancy, “Radical Surgery: A
ders,” Chief Executive, March McKinsey Quarterly no. 2 (2007): nization: Theory and Practice View from the Operating The-
2002, 6. 21–29; D. Jennings and S. Sea- (London: Oxford University Press, ater,” Academy of Management
7. R. Preston, “Inside Out,” Manage- man, “High and Low Levels of 1965). Executive, February 1994, 73–78;
ment Today, September 2001, 37; Organizational Adaptation: An 25. From the Past to the Present box I. I. Mitroff, R. O. Mason, and C.
and R. D. Clarke, “Over Their Empirical Analysis of Strategy, based on J. Woodward, Indus- M. Pearson, “Radical Surgery:
Heads,” Black Enterprise, Decem- Structure, and Performance,” Stra- trial Organization: Theory and What Will Tomorrow’s Organi-
ber 2000, 79. tegic Management Journal (July Practice. Also, see, for instance, zations Look Like?” Academy of
8. See J. R. P. French and B. Raven, 1994): 459–75; D. C. Galunic and C. Perrow, “A Framework for the Management Executive, February
“The Bases of Social Power,” in D. K. M. Eisenhardt, “Renewing the Comparative Analysis of Orga- 1994, 11–21; and R. E. Hoskis-
Cartwright and A. F. Zander, eds., Strategy-Structure-Performance nizations,” American Sociologi- son, C. W. L. Hill, and H. Kim,
Group Dynamics: Research and Paradigm,” in B. M. Staw and L. cal Review, April 1967, 194–208; “The Multidivisional Structure:
Theory (New York: Harper & Row, L. Cummings (eds.), Research in J. D. Thompson, Organizations Organizational Fossil or Source of
1960), 607–23. Organizational Behavior, vol. 16 in Action (New York: McGraw- Value?” Journal of Management
9. L. Urwick, The Elements of Ad- (Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1994), Hill, 1967); J. Hage and M. Ai- 19, no. 2 (1993): 269–98.
ministration (New York: Harper 215–55; R. Parthasarthy and S. ken, “Routine Technology, Social 30. Q. Hardy, “Google Thinks
& Row, 1944), 52–53. See also, J. P. Sethi, “Relating Strategy and Structure, and Organizational Small,” Forbes, November 14,
H. Gittel, “Supervisory Span, Re- Structure to Flexible Automation: Goals,” Administrative Science 2005, 198–202.
lational Coordination, and Flight A Test of Fit and Performance Im- Quarterly, September 1969, 31. See, for example, D. R. Denison,
Departure Performance: A Reas- plications,” Strategic Management 366–77; C. C. Miller, W. H. Glick, S. L. Hart, and J. A. Kahn, “From
sessment of Post-Bureaucracy Journal 14, no. 6 (1993): 529–49; Y. D. Wang, and G. Huber, “Un- Chimneys to Cross-Functional
Theory,” Organizational Science, H. A. Simon, “Strategy and Or- derstanding Technology-Structure Teams: Developing and Validating
July–August 2001, 468–83. ganizational Evolution,” Strategic Relationships: Theory Develop- a Diagnostic Model,” Academy of
10. S. Harrison, “Is There a Right Management Journal (January ment and Meta-Analytic Theory Management Journal (December
Span of Control? Simon Har- 1993): 131–42; H. L. Boschken, Testing,” Academy of Management 1996): 1005–23; D. Ray and H.
rison Assesses the Relevance of “Strategy and Structure: Re-con- Journal (June 1991): 370–99; D. Bronstein, Teaming Up: Making
the Concept of Span of Control to ceiving the Relationship,” Journal M. Rousseau and R. A. Cooke, the Transition to a Self-Directed
Modern Businesses,” Business Re- of Management (March 1990): “Technology and Structure: The Team-Based Organization (New
view, February 2004, 10–13. 135–50; D. Miller, “The Structural Concrete, Abstract, and Activity York: McGraw Hill, 1995); J. R.
11. P. C. Light, “From Pentagon to and Environmental Correlates of Systems of Organizations,” Jour- Katzenbach and D. K. Smith, The
Pyramids: Whacking at Bloat,” Business Strategy,” Strategic Man- nal of Management (Fall–Winter Wisdom of Teams (Boston: Har-
Government Executive, July 2001, agement Journal (January–Febru- 1984): 345–61; and D. Gerwin, vard Business School Press, 1993);
100. ary 1987): 55–76; and R. E. Miles “Relationships between Structure J. A. Byrne, “The Horizontal Cor-
12. See, for instance, D. Van Fleet, and C. C. Snow, Organizational and Technology,” in P.C. Nystrom poration,” BusinessWeek, Decem-
“Span of Management Research Strategy, Structure, and Process and W. H. Starbuck (eds.), Hand- ber 20, 1993, 76–81; B. Dumaine,
and Issues,” Academy of Manage- (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978). book of Organizational Design, “Payoff from the New Manage-
ment Journal, September 1983, 21. See, for instance, P. M. Blau and vol. 2 (New York: Oxford Univer- ment,” Fortune, December 13,
546–52; and S. H. Cady and P. R. A. Schoenherr, The Structure of sity Press, 1981), 3–38. 1993, 103–10; and H. Rothman,