Page 276 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
P. 276

Exhibit 8–5  Innovation variables                  CHAPTER 8   •  Managing Change and Innovation    275

                              Structural Variables
                              •  Organic structures
                              •  Abundant resources
                              •  High interunit
                              •  Minimal time pressure
                              •  Work and nonwork support
                                                              Human Resource Variables
                                                              •  High commitment to
                                                                training and development
                                                              •  High job security
                                            STIMULATE         •  Creative people

                              Cultural Variables
                              •  Acceptance of ambiguity
                              •  Tolerance of the impractical
                              •  Low external controls
                              •  Tolerance of risks
                              •  Tolerance of conflict
                              •  Focus on ends
                              •  Open-system focus
                              •  Positive feedback

                          Watch It 2!
                      If your professor has assigned this, go to the Assignments section of to
                      complete the video exercise titled CH2MHill: Innovation.

                    hoW do structural varIablEs aFFEct InnovatIon?  Research into the effect of
                    structural variables on innovation shows five things. 40
                     1.  An organic-type structure positively influences innovation. Because this structure is low
                       in formalization, centralization, and work specialization, it facilitates the flexibility and
                       sharing of ideas that are critical to innovation.
                     2.  The availability of plentiful resources provides a key building block for innovation. With
                       an abundance of resources, managers can afford to purchase innovations, can afford the
                       cost of instituting innovations, and can absorb failures.
                     3.  Frequent communication between organizational units helps break down barriers
                       to   innovation.  Cross-functional teams, task forces, and other such organizational
                         designs facilitate interaction across departmental lines and are widely used in innovative
                     4.  Extreme time pressures on creative activities are minimized despite the demands of
                       white-water-rapids-type environments. Although time pressures may spur people to work
                       harder and may make them feel more creative, studies show that it actually causes them
                       to be less creative. 42
                     5.  When an organization’s structure explicitly supports creativity, employees’ creative
                         performance can be enhanced. Beneficial kinds of support include encouragement, open
                       communication, readiness to listen, and useful feedback. 43

                    hoW doEs  an  organIzatIon’s culturE  aFFEct InnovatIon? Innovative
                      organizations tend to have similar cultures.  They encourage experimentation; reward both
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