Page 280 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
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employee-assistance programs, realign schedules,
8-10 Increased work load, 24/7 communication access, CHAPTER 8 • Managing Change and Innovation 279
cutbacks, and work-life conflict are some of and redesign jobs. Having read the chapter, explain
the forces that increase on-the-job stress. Some whether you think that the stress reducers are enough
organizations may have noticed this problem and to cope with dysfunctional stress that employees face
addressed by encouraging managers to reintroduce every day.
Go to for the following Assisted-graded writing questions.
8-11 Planned change is often thought to be the best 8-13 MyManagementLab Only – comprehensive writing
approach to take in organizations. Can unplanned assignment for this chapter.
change ever be effective? Explain.
8-12 Describe the structural, cultural, and human resources
variables that are necessary for innovation.
Management Skill Builder StreSS MAnAGeMent
It’s no secret that employees, in general, are more stressed out today than previous generations. Heavier
workloads, longer hours, continual reorganizations, technology that breaks down traditional barriers between
work and personal life, and reduced job security are among factors that have increased employee stress. This
stress can lead to lower productivity, increased absenteeism, reduced job satisfaction, and higher quit rates.
When stress is excessive, managers need to know how to reduce it.
Controlling Workplace Stress
As our debunked Management Myth pointed out, workplace stress is a reality and managers
can do something about it. In this PIA, you’ll assess how you control workplace stress.
Skill Basics talk about saving time, it can never actually be saved. And if
Eliminating all stress at work isn’t going to happen and it it’s lost, it can’t be retrieved. The good news is that it’s a re-
shouldn’t. Stress is an unavoidable consequence of life. It source we all have in equal amounts. Everyone gets the same
also has a positive side—when it focuses concentration and 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to use. When tasks seem to
creativity. But when it brings about anger, frustration, fear, exceed the hours you have available, stress often results. But
sleeplessness, and the like, it needs to be addressed. effective management of time can reduce stress. Time-man-
Many organizations have introduced stress-reduction inter- agement training can, for example, teach you how to pri-
ventions for employees. These include improved employee oritize tasks by importance and urgency, schedule activities
selection and placement, helping employees set realistic goals, according to those priorities, avoid confusing actions with
training in time management, redesign of jobs, increased involve- accomplishments, and understand your productivity cycle so
ment of employees in decisions that affect them, expanded social you can handle the most demanding tasks during the high
support networks, improved organizational communications, part of your cycle when you are most alert and productive.
and organizationally supported wellness programs. But what can • Create personal goals. Goal setting is designed to help you
you do, on your own, to reduce stress if your employer doesn’t better prioritize your activities and better manage how you di-
provide such programs or if you need to take additional action? rect your efforts. Goals become, in effect, a personal planning
The following individual interventions have been suggested:
tool. For instance, setting long-term goals provides general di-
• Implement time-management techniques. Every person can rection; while short-term goals—such as weekly or daily “to
improve his or her use of time. Time is a unique resource in do” lists—reduce the likelihood that important activities will
that, if it’s wasted, it can never be replaced. While people be overlooked and help you to maximize the use of your time.