Page 271 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
P. 271

3  Interpersonal demands: Stress due to other employees—little or no social support from colleagues; poor interpersonal

                      4  Organization structure: Stress due to excessive rules; no opportunity to participate in decisions that affect an employee.

                      5  Organizational leadership: Stress due to managers’ supervisory style in a culture of tension, fear, anxiety, unrealistic
                         pressures to perform in the short run, excessively tight controls, and routine firing of employees who don’t measure up.

                  Personal factors:
                     Life demands, constraints, opportunities of any kind
                        need to be understanding of  2
               1                                                   employees’ personalities
                     Family issues, personal
                                                                      —type A or type B.
                     economic problems, and
                     so forth.
                                                                   •  type A personality—chronic sense of
                     •  Can’t just ignore! Managers
                                                                      time urgency, excessive competitive drive,

                        these personal factors.  26                   and difficulty accepting and enjoying lei-
                                                                      sure time; more likely to shows symptoms
                                                                      of stress.
                              A Question of Ethics                 •  type B personality—little to no sense of

                  One in five companies offers some form of stress manage-  time urgency or impatience.
                  ment program.  Although such programs are available, many   •  Stress comes from the hostility and anger
                  employees may choose not to participate. They may be reluc-
                  tant to ask for help, especially if a major source of that stress   associated with Type A behavior. Surpris-
                  is job insecurity. After all,  there’s still  a stigma associated   ingly, Type Bs are just as susceptible.
                  with stress. Employees don’t want to be perceived as being
                  unable to handle the demands of their job. Although they may
                  need stress management now more than ever, few employees
                  want to admit that they’re stressed.

                  If your professor has assigned this, go to the Assignments
                  section of  to complete these
                   discussion questions.
                        Talk About It 3: What can be done about this paradox?

                        Talk About It 4: Do organizations even have an ethi-
                  cal responsibility to help employees deal with stress?

                   Type A personality
                   People who have a chronic sense of urgency and an excessive
                   competitive drive
                   Type B personality
                   People who are relaxed and easygoing and accept change
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