Page 270 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
P. 270
For potential stress to become actual stress: • there is
uncertainty over the outcome • the outcome is important.
What Are the Symptoms of Stress?
Physical Exhibit 8–3 Symptoms of Stress
Changes in metabolism, SYMPTOMS
increased heart and OF
breathing rates, raised STRESS Job-related dissatisfaction,
blood pressure, headaches, tension, anxiety, irritability,
and potential of heart boredom, and
attacks. procrastination.
Changes in productivity, absenteeism, job
turnover, changes in eating habits, increased
smoking or consumption of alcohol, rapid
speech, fidgeting, and sleep disorders.
Too much stress can also have tragic consequences. In Japan, there’s a karoshi
stress phenomenon called karoshi (pronounced kah-roe-she), which is A Japanese term that refers to a sudden death
translated as death from overwork. caused by overworking
2 What Causes Stress? Stressors
Job-related factors:
• Examples: Pressures to avoid errors or complete tasks 52%
in a limited time period; changes in the way reports are
filed; a demanding supervisor; unpleasant coworkers of employees say:
1 task demands: Stress due to an employee’s job—job design (autonomy, task Colleagues are a
variety, degree of automation); working conditions (temperature, noise, etc.); stressful part of
physical work layout (overcrowded or in visible location with constant interrup- their jobs. 24
tions; work quotas, especially when excessive; high level of task interdepen-
dence with others. (FYI: Autonomy lessens stress.)
2 role demands: Stress due to employee’s particular role.
▪ role conflicts: expectations that may be hard to reconcile or satisfy.
▪ role overload: created when employee is expected to do more than time permits.
▪ role ambiguity: created when role expectations are not clearly stressors
understood–employee not sure what he or she is to do. Factors that cause stress
role conflicts role overload role ambiguity
Work expectations that are hard to satisfy Having more work to accomplish than time permits When role expectations are not clearly understood