Page 42 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
P. 42

1 Review

                    CHAPTER SuMMARY

                                                                          political. Additional  managerial  competencies  include  aspects
                     1-1 Tell who managers are and where they work.       such as dependability, personal orientation, emotional control,
                                                                          communication, and so forth. All managers plan, organize, lead,
                    Managers are individuals who work in an organization direct-  and control although how they do these activities and how often
                    ing and overseeing the activities of other people. Managers   they do them may vary according to level in the organization,
                    are usually classified as top, middle, first-line, or team leader.   whether the organization is profit or not-for-profit, the size of the
                      Organizations, which are where managers work, have three   organization, and the geographic location of the organization.
                    characteristics: goals, people, and a deliberate structure.
                                                                            1-4  Explain why it’s important to study
                     1-2  Define management.                                management.

                    Management is the process of getting things done, effective-
                    ly and efficiently, with and through other people. Efficiency   One reason it’s important to study management is that all of us
                    means doing a task correctly (“doing things right”) and getting   interact with organizations daily so we have a vested interest in
                    the most output from the least amount of inputs. Effectiveness   seeing that organizations are well managed. Another reason is
                    means “doing the right things” by doing those work tasks that   the reality that in your career you will either manage or be man-
                    help the organization reach its goals.                aged. By studying management you can gain insights into the
                                                                          way your boss and fellow employees behave and how organiza-
                                                                          tions function.
                     1-3  Describe what managers do.

                                                                            1-5  Describe the factors that are reshaping
                    What managers do can be described using three approaches:
                    functions, roles, and skills/competencies.  The functions ap-  and redefining management.
                    proach says that managers perform four functions: planning,
                    organizing, leading, and controlling. Mintzberg’s roles approach   In today’s world, managers are dealing with changing work-
                    says that what managers do is based on the 10 roles they use   places, a changing workforce, global economic and political
                    at work, which are grouped around interpersonal relationships,   uncertainties, and changing technology. Four areas of critical
                    the transfer of information, and decision making.  The skills/  importance to managers are delivering high-quality customer
                    competencies approach looks at what managers do in terms   service, encouraging innovative efforts, using social media
                    of the skills and competencies they need and use. Four critical     efficiently and effectively, and recognizing how sustainability
                    management skills are conceptual, interpersonal, technical, and   contributes to an organization’s effectiveness.

                    DIsCussION QuesTIONs

                    1-1  What is an organization and what characteristics do orga-  each of the four management functions. Write up a
                        nizations share?                                      description and explain how these are examples of that
                    1-2  Duties define the manager. Do you agree or disagree with    function.
                        this statement? Discuss the role of managers.     1-6  Consider your local greengrocer. Discuss how manag-
                    1-3  In today’s environment, which is more important to   ers of such small businesses can adopt Mintzberg’s ten
                        organizations—efficiency or effectiveness? Explain your   managerial roles to run their business.
                        choice.                                           1-7  Business is changing over time, which requires manage-
                    1-4  Are there any differences between the managerial func-  ment methods to evolve. What are the factors that contrib-
                        tions in a profit organization and a non-profit organiza-  ute to management changes?
                        tion? Explain.                                    1-8  Is there one best “style” of management? Why or why
                    1-5  Using any of the popular business periodicals (such as   not?
                        Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Fortune, Wall Street Jour-  1-9  In what ways can managers at each of the four levels of
                        nal, Fast Company), find examples of managers doing   management contribute to efficiency and effectiveness?

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