Page 435 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
P. 435
13 Review
IT has affected managerial communication through the use of
13-1 Describe what managers need to know networked computer systems and wireless capabilities.
about communicating effectively.
13-3 Discuss contemporary issues
Communication is the transfer and understanding of meaning. in communication.
The communication process consists of seven elements: First,
a sender or source has a message. A message is a purpose to
be conveyed. Encoding converts a message into symbols. A The two main challenges of managing communication in an
channel provides the medium along which a message travels. Internet world are the legal and security issues and the lack of
Decoding happens when the receiver retranslates a sender’s personal interaction.
message. Finally, feedback lets the sender know whether the Organizations can manage knowledge by making it easy
communication was successful. The barriers to effective com- for employees to communicate and share their knowledge
munication include filtering, emotions, information overload, so they can learn from each other ways to do their jobs
defensiveness, language, and national culture. Managers can more effectively and efficiently. One way is through online
overcome these barriers by using feedback, simplifying lan- information databases, and another way is through creating
guage, listening actively, constraining emotions, and watching communities of practice.
for nonverbal clues. Communicating with customers is an important manage-
rial issue because what communication takes place and how
13-2 Explain how technology affects it takes place can significantly affect a customer’s satisfaction
with the service and the likelihood of being a repeat customer.
managerial communication. It’s important for organizations to get input from their
employees. Such potentially valuable information should not
Technology has radically changed the way organizational mem- be ignored.
bers communicate. It improves a manager’s ability to monitor Finally, it’s important that a company’s communication
performance; it gives employees more complete information efforts be ethical. Ethical communication can be encouraged
to make faster decisions; it provides employees more oppor- through clear guidelines and through answering questions that
tunities to collaborate and share information; and it makes it force a communicator to think through the communication
possible for people to be fully accessible, anytime anywhere. choices made and the consequences of those choices.
DIscussIon QuestIons
13-1 Explain why the different types of communication are 13-6 How might a manager use the grapevine to his or her
effective across an organization’s hierarchy. advantage? Support your response.
13-2 Why isn’t effective communication synonymous with 13-7 Research the characteristics of a good communicator.
agreement? Write up your findings in a bulleted list report. Be sure
13-3 Examine the communication process as illustrated in to cite your sources.
Exhibit 13-1. What constitutes noise? Do you think noise 13-8 Discuss the five contemporary communication issues
can be prevented? Explain the reasons for your answer. facing managers.
13-4 “Ineffective communication is the fault of the sender.” 13-9 For one day, track nonverbal communication that you
Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Discuss. notice in others. What types did you observe? Was the
13-5 In your opinion, will information technology cause nonverbal communication always consistent with the
information overload for managers in future? verbal communication taking place? Describe.