Page 48 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
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CHAPTER 1   •  Managers and Management    47
                    1-24   What management roles would operations manager Patrick   1-25   Go to Symantec’s Web site ( and look up
                         Fitzgerald be playing as he (a) held weekly security briefing con-  information about the company. What can you tell about its
                         ference calls with coworkers around the globe, (b) assessed the   emphasis on customer service and innovation? In what ways
                         feasibility of adding a new network security consulting service,   does the organization support its employees in servicing cus-
                         and (c) kept employees focused on the company’s commitments   tomers and in being  innovative?
                         to customers?


                      1.  The Walt Disney Company, Letter     6.  S. J. Carroll and D. A. Gillen, “Are    13.  N. Hellmich, “Many Delay   Customers and Management,”
                       to Shareholders, 2012 Annual Re-  the Classical Management Func-    Retiring: Need More Money,   Academy of Management Execu-
                       port, 1–3.                 tions Useful in Describing Mana-  Enjoy  Their Jobs,” http://www.   tive (November 2002): 85–95.
                      2.  From the Past to the Present   gerial  Work?”  Academy of  Man-    21.  See, for instance, C. B. Blocker,
                       box based on   agement Review, January 1987,   personalfinance/2014/02/27/   D. J. Flint, M. B. Myers, and S. F.
                       Unabridged,  based on  the  Ran-  48.                 d e l a y - r e t i r e m e n t - m o n e y /   Slater, “Proactive Customer Ori-
                       dom House Dictionary, © Ran-    7.  See, for example, J. G. Harris,   5785373/, February 27, 2014.  entation and Its Role for Creating
                       dom House, Inc.  2009, http://   D.  W. DeLong, and  A. Donnel-   14.  M. M. Biro, “Telecommuting Is   Customer  Value  in  Global  Mar-
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                       44. For other information on Tay-  (September 2000): 303–19; and   could-unlimited-vacation-time-  Your Customers,”  Harvard Busi-
                       lor, see S.  Wagner-Tsukamoto,   R. L. Katz, “Skills of an Effective   work-for-your-company/, October   ness Review, July–August 2010,
                       “An Institutional Economic Re-  Administrator,” Harvard Business   29, 2014.    116–22; D. M. Mayer, M. G. Eh-
                       construction of Scientific Man-  Review, September–October 1974,    17.  T. W. Martin, “May I Help You?”   rhart, and B. Schneider, “Service
                       agement: On the Lost Theoretical   90–102.            Wall Street Journal, April  23,   Attribute Boundary Conditions
                       Logic  of Taylorism,”  Academy     8.  R. P. Tett, H. A. Guterman, A. Ble-  2009, R4.  of the Service Climate-Customer
                       of Management Review, January   ier, and P. J. Murphy, “Develop-   18.  “Contact the Staff of seattlepi.  Satisfaction Link,”  Academy of
                       2007, 105–17; R. Kanigel,  The   ment and Content Validation of a   com,”  Management Journal (October
                       One Best Way: Frederick Winslow   ‘Hyperdimensional’ Taxonomy of   pistaff/; and  W.  Yardley and R.   2009): 1034–50; B. A. Gutek, M.
                       Taylor and the Enigma of Effi-  Managerial Competence,” Human   Perez-Peña, “Seattle Paper Shifts   Groth,  and  B.  Cherry, “Achiev-
                       ciency (New York: Viking, 1997);   Performance 13, no. 3 (2000):   Entirely to the  Web,”  New York   ing Service Success  Through
                       and M. Banta,  Taylored Lives:   205–51.              Times Online (March 17, 2009).  Relationships and Enhanced En-
                       Narrative Productions in the     9. “Frequently  Asked  Questions,”    19.  F. F. Reichheld, “Lead for Loy-  counters,”  Academy of Manage-
                       Age of  Taylor,  Veblen, and Ford   U.S. Small Business  Administra-  alty,”  Harvard Business Review,   ment Executive (November 2002):
                       (Chicago: University of Chicago   tion, (Sep-  July–August 2001, 76.  132–44; Eddleston, Kidder, and
                       Press, 1993).              tember 2008); T. L. Hatten, Small    20.  See, for instance, H. Ernst, W. D.   Litzky, “Who’s the Boss? Con-
                      3.  S. Stevenson, “Don’t Go to   Business: Entrepreneurship and   Hoyer, M. Krafft, and K. Krieger,   tending with Competing Expecta-
                       Work,”   Beyond (Upper Saddle River, NJ:   “Customer Relationship  Man-  tions from Customers and Man-
                       articles/business/psychology_of_   Prentice Hall, 1997), 5; L.  W.   agement and Company Perfor-  agement”; S. D. Pugh, J. Dietz,
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                       results_only_work_environments_   Small Business Management (Oc-  nal of the Academy of Marketing   Through  Employee-Customer
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                       hancing  Work-Time Control and   “A Succession Plan for First-Time   Satisfaction Heterogeneity and   Emotions,”  Journal of Manage-
                       Flexibility  Reduce  Turnover? A   Managers,”   T&D,  December  Shareholder Value,”  Journal of   ment 27, no. 4 (2001): 497–512;
                       Naturally Occurring Experiment,”   2011, 42–45; P. Brotherton, “New   Marketing  Research  (August  Naumann and Jackson, Jr., “One
                       Social Problems, February 2011,   Managers Feeling Lost  at  Sea,”   2010): 612–26; M. Riemann, O.   More Time: How Do You Satisfy
                       69–98; and R. J. Erickson, “Task,   T&D, June 2011, 25; and “How   Schilke, and J. S. Thomas, “Cus-  Customers?”; and M. D. Hartline
                       Not Time: Profile of a Gen Y Job,”   Do We Help a New Manager Man-  tomer Relationship Management   and O. C. Ferrell, “The Manage-
                       Harvard Business Review, Febru-  age?” Workforce Management On-  and Firm Performance:  The Me-  ment of Customer-Contact Service
                       ary 2008, 19.              line, June 16, 2011.       diating Role of Business Strategy,”   Employees:  An Empirical Inves-
                      4.  H. Fayol,  Industrial and General    11.  “A New Millennium of Manag-  Journal of the Academy of Market-  tigation,”  Journal of Marketing
                       Administration  (Paris:  Dunod,   ers,” TD, February 2015, 19.  ing Science (Summer 2010): 326–  (October 1996): 52–70.
                       1916).                  12.  J. Welch and S. Welch, “An Em-  46; and K.  A. Eddleston, D. L.    22.  Technology and the Manager’s
                      5.  H. Mintzberg, The Nature of Man-  ployee Bill of Rights,”  Bloom-  Kidder, and B. E. Litzky, “Who’s   Job box based on D. Bennett, “I’ll
                       agerial  Work (New York: Harper   berg BusinessWeek, March 16,   the Boss? Contending with   Have My Robots  Talk to  Your
                       & Row, 1973).              2009, 72.                   Competing   Expectations  from    Robots,” Bloomberg BusinessWeek
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