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endnotes CHAPTER 15 • Operations Management 501
1. D. Eng, “Cheesecake Factory’s 14. “Supply Chain Management: A 32. G. Taninecz, “Forging the Chain.” (Perth: Beaumont Publishing,
Winning Formula,” Fortune, May New Narrative,” Strategic Direction, 33. Ibid. 1994).
2, 2011, 19–20; and D. McGinn, March 2011, 18–21; and J. H. Sheri- 34. Ibid. 49. D. Drickhamer, “Road to Excel-
“Faster Food,” Newsweek, April dan, “Managing the Value Chain.” 35. D. Drickhamer, “On Target,” In- lence,” IndustryWeek, October 16,
19, 2004, E20–E22. 15. S. Leibs, “Getting Ready: Your dustryWeek, October 16, 2000, 2000, 117–18.
2. All of the following examples are Suppliers,” IndustryWeek, www 111–12. 50. J. Heizer and B. Render, Opera-
from the World Factbook 2015, (September 6, 36. Ibid. tions Management, 10th ed. (Up- 1999). 37. “Top Security Threats and Man- per Saddle River, NJ: Prentice
publications/the-world-factbook/ 16. See, for example, J. Jusko, “Pro- agement Issues Facing Corpo- Hall, 2011), 193.
geos/bl.html. curement—Not All Dollars and rate America: 2003 Survey of 51. G. Hasek, “Merger Marries Qual-
3. D. Michaels and J. L. Lunsford, Cents,” IndustryWeek, www Fortune 1000 Companies,” ASIS ity Efforts,” IndustryWeek, August
“Streamlined Plane Making,” Wall (April 4, 2002). International and Pinkerton, www 21, 2000, 89–92.
Street Journal, April 1, 2005, B1+. 17. D. Bartholomew, “The Infrastruc- 52. J. Jusko, “An Elite Crew,” Indus-
4. T. Aeppel, “Workers Not Includ- ture,” IndustryWeek, September 6, 38. J. H. Sheridan, “Managing the tryWeek, March 2011, 17–18; and
ed,” Wall Street Journal, Novem- 1999, 1. Value Chain,” 4. M. Arndt, “Quality Isn’t Just for
ber 19, 2002, B1+. 18. G. Taninecz, “Forging the Chain,” 39. Question of Ethics box based on Widgets,” BusinessWeek, July 22,
5. A. Aston and M. Arndt, “The Flex- IndustryWeek, May 15, 2000, C. Hausman, “Ethics of Using 2002, 72–73.
ible Factory,” BusinessWeek, May 40–46. Store’s Parking Lot Fuels Lively 53. E. White, “Rethinking the Qual-
5, 2003, 90–91. 19. T. Vinas, “A Map of the World: IW Debate in Newspaper Series,” ity Improvement Program,” Wall
6. P. Panchak, “Pella Drives Lean Value-Chain Survey,” Industry- Ethics Newsline Online, April 25, Street Journal, September 19,
throughout the Enterprise,” Indus- Week, September 2005, 27–34. 2011; J. Rose, “Ethics of Custom- 2005, B3.
tryWeek, June 2003, 74–77. 20. From the Past to the Present box er Parking in Portland: Circling the 54. M. Arndt, “Quality Isn’t Just for
7. J. Ordonez, “McDonald’s to Cut based on “Honorary Members Block One More Time,” Orego- Widgets.”
the Cooking Time of Its French Form Impressive Lineup of Qual- nian Online, April 21, 2011; and 55. For a thorough overview of proj-
Fries,” Wall Street Journal, May ity Thinkers,” Quality Progress, J. Rose, “The Ethics of ‘Customer ect management, see S. Berkun,
19, 2000, B2. March 2011, 17; “W. Edwards Only’ Parking in the Pearl—and The Art of Project Management
8. C. Fredman, “The Devil in the De- Deming,” Quality Progress, No- Beyond,” Oregonian Online, April (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice
tails,” Executive Edge, April–May vember 2010, 17; R. Aguayo, 16, 2011. Hall, 2005); or J. K. Pinto, Proj-
1999, 36–39. Dr. Deming: The American Who 40. S. Rosenbloom, “Solution, or ect Management: Achieving Com-
9. Taught the Japanese about Quality Mess? A Milk Jug for a Green petitive Advantage and MS Project
Documents/AnnualReports/ (New York: Fireside Press, 1991); Earth,” New York Times Online, (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice
skoda_auto_annual_report_ M. Walton, The Deming Manage- June 30, 2008. Hall, 2007).
2007_%20EN_FINAL.pdf (July ment Method (New York: Penguin 41. K. T. Greenfeld, “Taco Bell and 56. H. Maylor, “Beyond the Gantt
8, 2008); and T. Mudd, “The Last Group, 1986); and W. E. Deming, the Golden Age of Drive-Thru,” Chart: Project Management Mov-
Laugh,” IndustryWeek, September “Improvement of Quality and Pro- Bloomberg BusinessWeek Online, ing On,” European Management
18, 2000, 38–44. ductivity through Action by Man- May 5, 2011; and S. Anderson, Journal (February 2001): 92–101.
10. T. Vinas, “Little Things Mean a agement,” National Productivity Associated Press, “Restaurants 57. For additional information on
Lot,” IndustryWeek, November Review, Winter 1981–1982, 12–22. Gear Up for Window Wars,” CPM, see W. A. Haga and K.
2002, 55. 21. See J. H. Sheridan, “Now It’s a Springfield, Missouri, News-Lead- A. Marold, “A Simulation Ap-
11. P. Panchak, “Shaping the Future Job for the CEO,” IndustryWeek, er, January 27, 2006, 5B. proach to the PERT/CPM Time-
of Manufacturing,” IndustryWeek, March 20, 2000, 22–30. 42. Technology and the Manager’s Job Cost Trade-Off Problem,” Project
January 2005, 38–44; M. Ham- 22. R. Norman and R. Ramirez, box based on S. Minter, “What Is Management Journal (June 2004):
mer, “Deep Change: How Opera- “From Value Chain to Value Con- Advanced Manufacturing?” In- 31–37.
tional Innovation Can Transform stellation,” Harvard Business Re- dustryWeek, August 2009, 7; J. 58. Based on S. P. Robbins, Managing
Your Company,” Harvard Busi- view on Managing the Value Chain Bush, “Russia’s Factories Shift Organizational Conflict (Engle-
ness Review, April 2004, 84–94; (Boston: Harvard Business School Gears,” BusinessWeek, May 18, wood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall,
S. Levy, “The Connected Com- Press, 2000), 185–219. 2009, 50–51; D. Blanchard, “A 1974); K. W. Thomas, “Conflict
pany,” Newsweek, April 28, 2003, 23. S. Leibs, “Getting Ready: Your Manufacturer for All Seasons,” and Conflict Management,” in
40–48; and J. Teresko, “Plant Customers,” IndustryWeek, Sep- IndustryWeek, December 2008, Marvin Dunnette (ed.), Handbook
Floor Strategy,” IndustryWeek, tember 6, 1999, 4. 7; J. Teresko, “Planning the Fac- of Industrial and Organizational
July 2002, 26–32. 24. See, for example, C. Lunan, tory of the Future,” IndustryWeek, Psychology (Chicago: Rand Mc-
12. T. Laseter, K. Ramdas, and D. “Workers Doing More in Less December 2008, 22–24; and J. Nally, 1976), 889–935; and K.
Swerdlow, “The Supply Side of Time,” Charlotte Observer, June Teresko, “Winning with Digital Cloke and J. Goldsmith, Resolving
Design and Development,” Strat- 1, 2002, D1. Manufacturing,” IndustryWeek, Conflicts at Work: Eight Strate-
egy & Business, Summer 2003, 25. S. Leibs, “Getting Ready: Your July 2008, 45–47. gies for Everyone on the Job, rev.
23; J. Jusko, “Not All Dollars and Customers,” 3. 43. D. Bartholomew, “Quality Takes ed. (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass,
Cents,” IndustryWeek, April 2002, 26. See, for instance, L. Harrington, a Beating,” IndustryWeek, March 2006).
58; and D. Drickhamer, “Medical “The Accelerated Value Chain: 2006, 46–54; J. Carey and M. 59. S. Banjoy and C. Passariello,
Marvel,” IndustryWeek, March Supply Chain Management Just Arndt, “Making Pills the Smart “Promises in Bangladesh,” Wall
2002, 47–49. Got Smarter, Faster, and More Way,” BusinessWeek, May 3, Street Journal, May 14, 2013,
13. Q. H. Soon and Z. M. Udin, “Sup- Cost-Effective, Thanks to a 2004, 102–03; and A. Barrett, B1+; S. Greenhouse and J. Yardley,
ply Chain Management from the Groundbreaking Alliance between “Schering’s Dr. Feelbetter?” Busi- “Global Retailers Join Safety Plan
Perspective of Value Chain Flex- Intel and Technologies,” Industry- nessWeek, June 23, 2003, 55–56. for Bangladesh,” New York Times
ibility: An Exploratory Study,” Week, April 2002, 45–51. 44. T. Vinas, “Six Sigma Rescue,” In- Online, May 13, 2013; A. Zimmer-
Journal of Manufacturing Tech- 27. Ibid. dustryWeek, March 2004, 12. man and N. Shah, “Taste for Cheap
nology Management (May 2011): 28. Ibid.; and J. H. Sheridan, “Manag- 45. J. S. McClenahen, “Prairie Home Clothes Fed Bangladesh Boom,”
506–26; G. Soni and R. Kodali, ing the Value Chain.” Companion,” IndustryWeek, Octo- Wall Street Journal, May 13, 2013,
“A Critical Analysis of Sup- 29. J. H. Sheriden, “Managing the ber 2005, 45–46. B1+; S. Zain Al-Mahmood, “Ban-
ply Chain Management Content Value Chain,” 3. 46. T. Vinas, “Zeroing In on the Cus- gladesh to Raise Workers’ Pay,”
in Empirical Research,” Busi- 30. S. Leibs, “Getting Ready: Your tomer,” IndustryWeek, October Wall Street Journal, May 13, 2013,
ness Process Management, April Customers,” 4. 2004, 61–62. B4; J. Ali Manik and J. Yardley, “17
2011, 238–56; and J. H. Sheridan, 31. J. H. Sheriden, “Managing the Val- 47. W. Royal, “Spotlight Shines on Days in Darkness, A Cry of ‘Save
“Managing the Value Chain,” In- ue Chain,” 2–3; S. Leibs, “Getting Maquiladora,” IndustryWeek, Me,’ and Joy,” New York Times On-
dustryWeek, September 6, 1999, Ready: Your Customers,” 1, 4; and October 16, 2000, 91–92. line, May 10, 2013; S. Greenhouse,
1–4, available online in archives D. Bartholomew, “The Infrastruc- 48. See B. Whitford and R. Andrew “Retailers Are Pressed on Safety at
at ture,” 6. (eds.), The Pursuit of Quality Factories,” New York Times Online,