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May 10, 2013; J. O’Donnell and C. Online, May 2, 2013; D. Bobkoff, 787 Batteries,” New York Times Quest for Healthy Growth: An
Macleod, “Bangladesh Fire Adds “Would You Pay a Higher Price Online, April 22, 2013; A. Pasz- Interview with Howard Schultz,”
Pressure on Retailers,” USA Today, for Ethical Clothing?” www.npr tor, “How Boeing Rescued the McKinsey Quarterly, no. 2 (2001):
May 10, 2013, 1B+; S. Zain Al- .org, May 1, 2013; S. Zain 787,” Wall Street Journal, April 34–43; “Return to Glory,” Retail
Mahmood, K. Chu, and S. Banjo, Al-Mahmood, “Doomed Fac- 20/21, 2013, B1+; C. Drew and J. Traffic, May/June 2011, 38; J.
“Bangladesh Shuts 3 Factories of tories Raced to Fill Orders,” Mouawad, “Boeing Fix for Bat- Jannarone, “Grounds for Concern
Top Exporter,” Wall Street Jour- Wall Street Journal, April 30, tery Is Approved by F.A.A.,” New at Starbucks,” Wall Street Journal,
nal, May 10, 2013, A8; S. Clifford, 2013, A1+; “Deadly Bangla- York Times Online, April 19, 2013; May 3, 2011, C10; M. Morrison,
“Some Retailers Say More about desh Collapse Focuses Spot- H. Tabuchi, “Boeing Presents So- “Bang for Its Starbucks: Hits No.
Their Clothing’s Origins,” New light on Ethics & Demand for lution for Dreamliner Problems,” 3 Despite Limited Ad Spending,”
York Times Online, May 8, 2013; Cheap Goods,” www.globalethics New York Times Online, March Advertising Age, May 2, 2011,
K. Chu, “Tough Options for Ap- .org, April 29, 2013; M. T. Ander- 15, 2013; S. Mayerowitz, “For- 1+; W. Kendall, “A Long, Hard
parel Retailers,” Wall Street Jour- son, “Clothed in Misery,” New York mer Workers: Boeing Rushed Grind,” Management Today, May
nal, May 8, 2013, B1+; “Clothing Times Online, April 29, 2013; R. L. Dreamliner Project,” Springfield, 2011, 27; “Howard Schultz, On
Retailers Evaluate Moral Choices Brown, “Q&A: Who Ultimately Missouri, News-Leader, Janu- Getting a Second Shot,” Inc., April
in Contracting Work to Bangla- Bears Responsibility for Bangla- ary 26, 2013, 7A; D. Michaels, 2011, 52–54; “Starbucks Corp.
desh,”, May desh Factory Disasters,” www. “Innovation Is Messy Business,” Plans Retail Push,” Nation’s Res-
6, 2013; S. Wright and F. Hossain,, April 25, 2013; Wall Street Journal, January 24, taurant News, April 4, 2011, 6;
“Pressure on Bangladesh, Retail- and J. Ali Manik, S. Greenhouse, 2013, B1+; S. Dubois, “Boeing’s “Starbucks Marks 40th Anniver-
ers to Fix Factories,” www.sfgate and J. Yardley, “Western Firms Dreamliner Mess: Simply Inevi- sary,” Beverage Industry, April
.com, May 4, 2013; S. Zain Al- Feel Pressure as Toll Rises in Ban- table?”, 2011, 8; R. Lowenstein, “When
Mahmood, C. Passariello, and P. gladesh,” New York Times Online, January 22, 2013; P. Kavilanz, Latte Lost Its Luster,” Wall Street
Rana, “The Global Garment Trail: April 25, 2013. “Dreamliner: Where in the World Journal, March 29, 2011, A17; H.
From Bangladesh to a Mall Near 60. A. D’innocenzio, “Gap, Walmart, Its Parts Come From,” money.cnn. Schultz, “How Starbucks Got Its
You,” Wall Street Journal, May Target Agree to Bangladesh com, January 18, 2013; “Boeing’s Mojo Back,” Newsweek, March
4/5, 2013, A1+; M. Mosk, “Big Factory Safety Pact,” http://www Dreamliner Takes to the Skies,” 21, 2011, 50–55; G. Charles,
Retailers Reassess Practices after USA Today, October 21, 2011, 3B; “Change Brewing at Starbucks,”
Bangladesh Building Collapse,” gap-walmart-target-agree- P. Jonsson, “787 Dreamliner Takes Marketing, January 2011, 14–15;, May 3, 2013; H. bangladesh-factory-safety-pact, Off at Last. When Can You Jump “Starbucks Outlines Strategies
Malcolm, “Worker Safety Gains July 10, 2013. Aboard?”, for Growth,” Beverage Industry,
Steam,” USA Today, May 2, 2013, 61. J. Ostrower and H. Kachi, “Boe- September 27, 2011; and W. J. January 2011, 14; and H. Edwards,
2B; E. L. Cline, “Ethical Fashion: ing’s 787 Resumes Service,” Wall Hennigan, “Boeing Delivers First “Howard Schultz’s Tall Order,”
Is the Tragedy in Bangladesh A Street Journal, April 29, 2013, B3; 787 Dreamliner,” articles.latimes. Marketing, January 2011, 19; and
Final Straw?”, May J. Ostrower and T. Stynes, “Boe- com, September 26, 2011. S. Berfield, “Starbucks: Howard
2, 2013; M. Davies, “Can Bangla- ing Steers Past 787 Woes,” Wall 62. B. Horovitz, “Starbucks CEO Schultz vs. Howard Schultz,”
desh Clothing Factory Disasters Street Journal, April 25, 2013, B2; Reinvents the Spiel,” USA Today, BusinessWeek Online, August 6,
Be Prevented?, S. Jakab, “Dreamliner’s Woes Fail April 25, 2013, 3B; S. Jakab, 2009; J. Jargon, “Latest Starbucks
May 2, 1013; S. Greenhouse, to Ground Boeing,” Wall Street “Starbucks Story Could Have a Buzzword: ‘Lean’ Japanese Tech-
“Bangladesh Fears an Exodus of Journal, April 24, 2013, C1; N. Bitter Edge,” Wall Street Journal, niques,” Wall Street Journal, Au-
Apparel Firms,” New York Times Clark, “Boeing Begins Modifying April 25, 2013, C1; “Starbucks’ gust 4, 2009, A1.