Page 36 - CV Feb-March 2023 issue_Neat
P. 36

The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015   serious accidents, which is also short-lived and after some times,
        (CDM) makes construction clients, designers, and contractors   it becomes business-as-usual. The workforce mostly comprises
        responsible for work to be carried out in a way that ensures the   rural workers who migrate to towns and cities in search of work
        health and safety of workers and the public. Laws such as the   due to factors like a lack of employment opportunities in villages
        Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2012 are   or farming and poverty. Unfortunately, at the construction sites in
        there to protect employees from the risk of exposure to hazardous   the cities, they face unsafe and unhealthy working and living
        substances, such as dust, vapour, fumes, and gases.     conditions. Poor accommodation, food and sanitation, unsafe
                                                                working practices, and inadequate healthcare provision are
        Most importantly companies that fail to comply with health and   common.
        safety laws face the risk of criminal prosecution and financial
        penalties. In 2017-2018, £19m in fines were imposed on British   Training is another area that the construction industry in India
        construction companies for breaching safety protocols.  needs serious improvement. Although Workers receive many
                                                                manhours of unstructured information on health and safety, they
        In India however, in some of the unorganized sectors, employers   are poorly trained in an organized manner, based on a
        are not legally obliged to report work-related accidents, injuries,   comprehensive gap analysis between the desired level of
        and cases of ill health to the enforcing authorities. Also, many   competence and their actual level of competence. Because of
        incidents, like deaths on construction sites are not officially   their temporary status (average retention of workmen in typical
        reported, mainly due to the fact that enforcement authority for the   construction project is only 3 to 6 months), contractors don't feel
        Building & Other Construction Workers (BOCW) Rules is not very   the need to invest their resources in training or health and safety
        well geared up for capturing this data, unlike the enforcement   of the workmen.
        authority for Factories Rules, where accurate data is available.
                                                                Construction workers are also at risk of developing serious health
        The official statistics for work-related fatalities, injuries, and cases   conditions. Musculoskeletal disorders (like back injuries), caused
        of ill health usually don't give a clear picture of the scale of the   by manually lifting heavy loads, and respiratory ailments, such as
        problem                                                 silicosis from exposure to dust while cutting and grinding up
        The health and safety of migrant workers should be made a   stones, are some of them. There is a general lack of awareness
        priority                                                among the public, workers, and employers in India about serious
        In India, however, for many employers in the construction sector,   work-related health problems like these..
        the health and safety of workers become a priority only after

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