Page 40 - CV Feb-March 2023 issue_Neat
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We are on track to meet our sales booking targets. We may even credible players should continue.
do better than that. But we are sticking to our guidance," he
added. "Calibrated demand-supply dynamics in the market leading to
faster inventory monetisation. Demand momentum remains
"Demand is very strong. People have the desire and money to largely insulated from rising interest rates so far; quality products
purchase real estate. Customers want the safety of their money. at established locations should continue to garner healthy
So, they are now investing in projects of trusted real estate interest," the company noted.
developers like us," Ohri said.
DLF on Wednesday reported a 37 per cent increase in its
DLF achieved one of the highest quarterly new sales bookings of consolidated net profit at Rs 519.21 crore for the quarter ended
Rs 2,507 crore during October-December period, reflecting a December 2022. Its net profit stood at Rs 379.48 crore in the
year-on-year growth of 24 per cent. year-ago period.
In its investors' presentation, DLF said it will give emphasis on Its total income, however, fell to Rs 1,559.66 crore in the third
offering customer-oriented products. quarter of this fiscal year from Rs 1,686.92 crore in the
corresponding period of the previous year.
"Encouraging response to recent products enthuses us to initiate
larger developments offering differentiated living and best-in-class DLF has two verticals -- development business and rental
amenities," it said. business.
Rent-yielding commercial assets are largely held by DLF Cyber
The focus would remain on strong cash generation and margin City Developers Ltd (DCCDL), which is a joint firm between DLF
accretion by offering quality products at established locations, and Singapore sovereign wealth fund GIC. DLF hold nearly 67
DLF said. per cent stake in the JV.
On the outlook for the residential market, DLF said that the
calendar year 2022 registered significant growth in housing
demand driven by consumer desire towards home ownership,
larger homes across established locations and better affordability.
Larger homes offering better amenities are expected to be the
preferred choice for consumers. Consolidation in favour of larger,
38 / CONSTRUCTION VISION / February-March 2023