Page 38 - CV Feb-March 2023 issue_Neat
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e are planning to launch next month a premium
DLF PLANS Westimated sales realisation of this project will be around
residential project in Sector 63 Gurugram. The
Rs 7,500 crore," he said. "Demand for real estate across various
TO LAUNCH price points is very strong, especially for products offered by trusted
developers," Ohri said.
RS 7500 CRORE DLF, the country's largest real estate firm in terms of market
capitalisation, achieved a 45 per cent growth in sales bookings to
Rs 6,599 crore in April-December period of this fiscal and is on track
to achieve its annual sales guidance of Rs 8,000 crore.
DLF's sales bookings stood at Rs 4,544 crore in the year-ago
HOUSING PROJECT period. "We have achieved robust growth in our sales bookings in
IN GURUGRAM the first nine months of this fiscal year. The sales are driven by
demand for good quality quality products," Ohri said.
Realty major DLF Ltd plans to launch a luxury housing He said the company has launched apartments and independent
project in Gurugram next month with an estimated floors at different price points, which helped achieve better sales.
sales revenue of around Rs 7,500 crore as it seeks to DLF has launched residential projects in Delhi, Gurugram,
tap strong demand for high-end apartments. The Panchkula and Chennai this fiscal. Asked about sales bookings for
company plans to develop around 1,100 apartments in the entire fiscal, Ohri said the company has given a guidance of Rs
this residential project, DLF Group Executive Director 8,000 crore for the 2022-23 fiscal and is expected to achieve it
and Chief Business Officer Aakash Ohri told PTI comfortably.
36 / CONSTRUCTION VISION / February-March 2023