Page 31 - Kent Parks Recreation Guide Winter 2024-2025
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                          SPECIAL EVENTS                                        ACTIVITY CENTER

                MONTHLY WORKSHOP

               EXPANDING                                           UPCOMING EVENTS:
                                                                         North West Mythology by
                                                                           Author Jacob Zappey
               YOUR MIND                                                  Friday | 1/24 | 1pm | FREE

                                                                              Intimacy in Your
                                                                          Golden Years, Self Love
              These monthly workshops cover a wide                       Thursday | 2/6 | 1pm | FREE
              variety of topics, from Sasquatch to intimacy
              and aging. This program is designed to                 Dr. Mary Walker, The Sole Female
              help you think outside the box and                         Medal of Honor Recipient
              expand your mind.
                                                                        Thursday | 3/27 | 1pm | FREE
              These activities are supported by the King County
              Veterans, Seniors, and Human Services Levy.

             FREE                                               HOPELINK

           TELEVËDA                                             RESOURCE HELP DESK

                                                                Stop by to learn more about your
           VIRTUAL EVENT                                        transportation options and resources! Free

                                                                information will be available to attendees
           PLATFORM                                             and will cover the following topics:

                                                                   ORCA Program
           Kent Senior Activity Center has joined               •   King County Metro Services
           a virtual platform that runs accessible              •   Volunteer Driver Programs
           and engaging events and activities,                  •   Travel options advising and referrals
           so everyone has the chance to make

           connections and build relationships,                 For help finding a ride:
           wherever they are.                                   or call the Transportation Referral Line
           Sponsored through the King County VSHS Levy.
                                                                1ST TUESDAY
           SCAN THE QR                                          OF EACH MONTH
           CODE TO SIGN UP                                      10:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.
           AND GET STARTED!

        Register for Winter programs at or call 253-856-5150
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