Page 101 - Makino,Tsutusi.DictionaryOfIntermediateJGrammar
P. 101
. .
(On the floor were scattered bundles of monev.)
(In the student's paper there were a lot of good ideas.)
[Related ~xpressionl
The difference between -darake and -mamire is that the latter means 'totally
covered I mixed with dirty liquid 1 powder such as blood, sweat, mud or
dust,' excluding intangible objects, whereas the former can be used not only
with liquid 1 powder but also to cover holes 1 pimples, and intangible ob-
jects, as in KS(B) and Ex.(d). More examples to show the difference follow:
[I] 7~hl%*lf~ /*$Ah1 7?-,7:,
(My composition was full of corrections.)
[Z] ~OXS'JC~E {E%lf/*g&h) 72,
(My pants are full of holes.)
Lli h/r
[3] $ %OI%I~.G:$ 73. {E%tf /*$&hl 72~7:~
(The boy's face was covered with pimples.)
BL t d.h ihTh
[41 El5 IEGC~/*ZA~II O%BZ~~~B+ZLTT, %;~TL~~I:,
-(I got tired after driving on a bumpy road for as long as three hours.)
de T prt.
for; per
quantity, for each of which certain [REL. ni tsuki]