Page 83 - Makino,Tsutusi.DictionaryOfIntermediateJGrammar
P. 83
- bakari ka - (sae) 9
{z&T / 56 Lf: 1 If$% 0 fi (not only does / did S.O. speak)
{$+$fie / %-h.f?9 f:l If$.b f~ (not only {is /was) s.t. / s.0. quiet)
(84 / %4f?9 If 2' 4 fi (not only {is / was] S.O. a teacher)
fit< +k~% ^fL $13
(a) 7% 75Tdi75?%Cffiri, dl, 8&, B@kS;iEIlZQ% %LT
(In America not only college students but even junior and senior high
school students are studying Japanese.)
(b) &ogoifBEI&RblIffi ri, fi, a$? hbl/vTT,
(My room in the dorm is not just small; it doesn't even have a window.)
(c) l'kG&ZHjST%M)Gb~df2~0d., WE%$?k3WGbl0
(It's not just kanji that Tom cannot read; he cannot read even hiragana.)
(d) Xd&h<&a>jSTkW2 7kIfj3.9 d., ?@Bt&Dh;k$3$T-rt0
(My father not only loves to eat, he also loves to cook.)
1. Before bakari ka comes s.t. / S.O. normally expected and after bakari ka
comes s.t. / S.O. normally unexpected. If the order of the two is reversed
an unacceptable sentence like the following results.
2. The particle sae can be replaced by the particle mo esp. in spoken