Page 14 - FET Bulletin - Aug - Flipbook
P. 14

SAFEGUARDING                                         SAFEGUARDING

           • Support teaching staff to identify the challenges that     • The context and/or purpose of the visit matches
             at-risk pupils may face and the additional academic       the learning needs of the pupils and/or staff and the
             support and adjustments they can make to support       qualifications and expertise of the proposed visitor
            these pupils                                          or speaker;

           • Work with staff to create and maintain a culture of high     • The visitor or speaker will present a political view
             aspirations for at-risk children                      or views which are part of the mainstream of political
           • Consider referrals to the National Referral Mechanism
             on a case-by-case basis and consider involving local     • Their delivery is consistent with the fundamental
             services and providers who offer support to victims of       British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual
             county lines exploitation.                            liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of those with
                                                                   different faiths and beliefs;
         Office Contact: Sue Lovell
         Telephone: 0330 383 2000                                • Views which undermine tolerance and harmony
         Email:                          between faiths, cultures and nationalities are not
                                                                   presented to pupils and/or staff.
         2.13 External Visitors and Speakers   (P, S)            • Pupils and/or staff will not be subject to political
         In line with the new FET External Visitors, Speakers and
         Charities Policy all Trust Establishments must ensure that     • There is an opportunity for opposing political views to
         pupils and staff are not exposed to inappropriate messages,      be presented.
         and that funds are only raised for appropriate charities.
                                                               In order to ensure each establishment is compliant with
         The Principal will be ultimately responsible for the   this policy the following steps should be adhered to:
         operation of this policy but may nominate a member of the
         Senior Leadership Team (SLT) to have responsibility for     • Prior to any proposed event organisations providing
         the oversight of the vetting procedure for external visitors       visitors and speakers are asked to provide the Trust
         and speakers and the maintenance of an accurate and       establishment with the names of visitors and speakers
         comprehensive record of external visitors or speakers       who will be representing them. Failure to disclose this
         – this must be in place and updated throughout the        information or a change of visitor or speaking will
         academic year.                                            result in the event not being progressed;
         It is vital that all speakers who visit the school and     • Visitors and speakers representing UK public bodies,
         interact with pupils have to sign the External Speaker’s       local authorities, the emergency services or the armed
         Declaration Form and that this is kept in a central file that       forces will not be subject to vetting and due diligence
         can be easily accessed along with the external visitors       checks but should be recorded on the External Visitors
         and speakers record. In addition to this, any charitable       and Speakers Record;
         giving should also be recorded in line with the FET policy
         by a nominated member of the SLT and a central record     • The member of staff tasked with the completion of
         should be maintained across the year and not completed       the vetting and due diligence check completes part of
         retrospectively.                                          the External Visitors, Speakers and Charities Vetting
                                                                   and Due Diligence Form and the senior leader makes
         When extending invitations to external, visitors, speakers       a final decision to progress the visitor, speaker or
         and charities, establishments must balance the freedom       charity based on the recommendation given by the
         to express views with their duty to ensure the safety       member of staff – this should be a regular agenda
         and welfare of pupils and staff. Care must also be taken       item at SLT meetings;
         to ensure any charitable activity is free from harm and
         consistent with the values of the Trust.                • Following the completion of vetting and due diligence
                                                                   checks the member of staff organising the proposed
         In order to ensure that external visitors and speakers are       event will be informed by the nominated senior leader
         appropriate, the establishment will only invite visitors or       of the outcome;
         speakers if:

         RAG Rating:      (R) Requirement    (A) Recommendation   (G) Note
         Designation:     (P) Primary schools  (S) Secondary schools

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