Page 9 - FET Bulletin - Aug - Flipbook
P. 9
2.6 Data Subject Access Requests (P, S) 2.7 Helpdesk call logging: (P, S)
We have seen an increased expectation of data subject A call logging system is a powerful tool used by
access requests (DSARs) from parents as we approach Information Technology (IT) teams to provide timely and
the summer due to the effect of COVID-19 measures upon efficient technology services to all users. It is essential
educational outcomes. that all of your IT support requests are logged using our
call reporting system (EVERY) currently in place at all
If our school is to be able to meet our legal requirements FET schools. Calls logged via the reporting system for
in this area, all staff need to be able to: the support teams have a number of benefits for you, our
support team and the school as a whole. Here are some
• recognise a subject access request of the reasons as to why all of the calls should be logged
• understand the correct process when one is received correctly:
Key Points • Acknowledgement: Automatic acknowledgement by
the system that calls have been logged and won’t be
• individuals (i.e. parents and pupils) are usually entitled lost in a mountain of emails.
to see the personal information we hold about them.
• If someone asks for a copy of their information or • Continuity: If an ICT Technician needs to escalate an
mentions ‘subject access’ you need to contact your issue to a colleague, or goes on leave before an issue
Principal/Business Manager immediately. is resolved, you won’t have to explain everything again
because the history of the case is documented.
What is a Data Subject Access Request?
• Communication: Once an issue is created, the
• A legal right for individuals to obtain a copy of their reporting system can keep you updated on your issue
personal data. status, by emailing you updates and allowing you to
• A mechanism to help individuals to understand how look up the progress.
and why we are using their data, and check we are
doing it lawfully. • Prioritisation: When all issues are recorded, they can
be more easily prioritised so that the highest priority
How do I know someone has made a Data Subject requests get attended to first. This helps ensure we’re
Access Request? are making the best use of our time.
• Someone (most likely a parent, but it could be another • Expectation Management: Each issue can have a
member of the community such as a councillor or MP) response and resolution time target associated with
has asked you for a copy of the information we hold it. These targets make it easier to manage
about them or another individual on their behalf. expectations about how long you might have to wait.
• An individual can make a subject access request • Call reduction: Having a history of all issues enables
verbally or in writing. the ICT team to identify trends and recuring requests
so that we can take actions to reduce the root causes
• It can also be made to any staff member or part of our of those issues and requests. This may involve training,
organisation (including via social media). communication, or system fixes. Over time, this can
dramatically reduce the volume of issues and
• A request does not have to include the phrase ‘subject ultimately improve your experience.
access request’.
• Audit logs: All issues logged and updated on the
Recommendations for Senior Leaders and Governors reporting system can be audited in the future to make
sure we are providing the right level of service for you
• Forward a copy of a written request or a summary of a and your colleagues.
verbal request to your Principal and/or Business
Manager as soon as possible Link to EVERY call logging portal: https://www.every.
Office Contact: Greg Rogers
Telephone: 0330 383 2000
RAG Rating: (R) Requirement (A) Recommendation (G) Note
Designation: (P) Primary schools (S) Secondary schools