Page 7 - FET Bulletin - Aug - Flipbook
P. 7

GOVERNANCE                                           GOVERNANCE

         2.1 School Calendars 2020/21   (P, S)                   • A short meeting for staff on the Faith and Character
                                                                   Education Policy (faith schools only) and Fundamental
         Schools should now have compiled their calendars for the      British Values;
         forthcoming academic year and sent a finalised copy to
         the Trust Central Team.                                 • Arrangements for staff to sign key declarations;
         All calendars should have been quality assured by the     • A comprehensive introduction to the FET values
         Senior Leadership Team to eliminate clashes, identify       and behavior expectations that staff will be expected
         potential overload for staff and highlight problematic time       to promote and reinforce;
         pressures for parents and carers. Calendars should also
         have been checked to ensure the inclusion of the planned     • Time for staff to check IT systems, including MIS
         meeting cycle for the Local Governing Body, school        log-in and print facilities (be clear about trouble-
         departmental meetings, holiday dates, key internal and       shooting arrangements to ensure glitches are resolved
         external assessment dates, presentation event(s), open       before the end of the day;
         evenings etc.
                                                                 • Time for staff to check that their classrooms are
         Office Contact: Kath Bedford                              ready for pupils, with the correct number of tables
         Telephone: 0330 383 2000                                 and chairs;
                                                                 • Allocation of staff packs (these should be signed
         2.2 INSET Day Planning    (P,S)                           for, to acknowledge receipt and as a record of staff’s
                                                                   commitment to adhere to expectations):
         Planning for INSET days should now be well underway.
         Key elements of the INSET day should include:             • Standard posters for display
                                                                   • Duty lists and rotas
           • A presentation of the detailed plan and risk assess-
             ment with regard to the arrangements for Day 1        • Staff timetable (the most up to date version)
             - return of all pupils and staff and the location of
             all the resources to make the day successful;        • Pupil timetables
                                                                  • Staff handbook
           • A review of academic performance over the last
             year and an initial analysis of performance (in normal      • Pupil planners
             circumstances this would include both external and
             internal examinations and tests, this format will be       • Keys (if relevant)
             slightly different this year with the impact of Covid-19;
                                                                   • ID badges (if relevant)
           • A briefing on changes made to the staff handbook,
             with references to key pages;                     Office Contact:  Angela Aspinall
                                                               Telephone: 0330 383 2000
           • A briefing on the key whole school priorities for the   Email:
             coming year (e.g. improving attendance, a focus on
             securing behavior for learning, consistency of    2.3 Personal Data Review   (P, S)
             expectation with regard to uniform). These are the
             priorities that should feature as a standing item at   The annual data check ensures all data held by the
             every meeting throughout the year (at a whole school,   school on each pupil is accurate. Schools should check
             phase and faculty or year group level);           all personal information in their MIS system (names,
                                                               addresses, emergency contacts, medical information etc.)
           • A slot for faculty and pastoral team meetings;    by the end of September.

           • A short meeting for new staff to the school, to take   Office Contact:  Angela Aspinall
             feedback on induction to date, ascertain any concerns   Telephone: 0330 383 2000
             and allay any anxieties;                          Email:

           • A short meeting for newly qualified teachers and the
             senior leader responsible for NQTs;

         RAG Rating:      (R) Requirement    (A) Recommendation   (G) Note
         Designation:     (P) Primary schools  (S) Secondary schools

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