Page 8 - FET Bulletin - Aug - Flipbook
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GOVERNANCE                                           GOVERNANCE

         2.4 LGB Planning Meetings – 2020/2021   (G, P, S)     Volunteer Policy (NEW)

         As in 2019/20, the LGB paper templates and agenda will   The Policy aims to encourage the assistance of volunteers
         be sent out to schools well in advance of the first meeting.   and ensure that their time is spent productively while
         Please remember that all papers need to be shared with   meeting our duties of care around safeguarding and the
         your LGB at least seven days before the meeting to ensure   welfare of pupils. Volunteers will be required to make
         that we meet the requirements set out in our governing   themselves familiar with local school procedures, as well
         documents. As always, what is on the agenda is the    as policies and legislation relating to Safeguarding and
         ultimate responsibility of the school, but a version will be   Data Protection. While existing processes are in place,
         sent to assist you. Please remember:                  the Volunteer policy formalises them and strengthens our
                                                               response around non-staff completing regulated activity
           • Papers must be sent to   (unsupervised care of children). The policy also contains a
             prior to circulation for checking and proofreading.  detailed appendix which sets out the volunteer application
                                                               form that is to be used by all FET schools.
           • The agenda must be shared with the Chair of the LGB
             before circulation.                               FET External Speakers, Visitors
                                                               and Charities Policy (NEW)
         Details of your clerk will be sent through in sufficient time
         before the meeting.                                   The Policy aims to ensure that pupils and staff are not
                                                               exposed to inappropriate messages, and that funds are
         If you have any queries or concerns about your LGB,   only raised for appropriate charities, during their time
         please contact Greg Rogers.                           at an establishment. An ‘External Visitor or Speaker’ is
                                                               defined as any individual or organisation who is not a
         Office Contact: Greg Rogers                           pupil or staff member of the establishment or Trust.  It
         Telephone:  0330 383 2000                             includes individuals who will speak or come into access
         Email:                     with learners directly or indirectly – not event attendees,
                                                               parents/carers or visitors to school who will not come
         2.5 Policies - New and Reviewed   (R, P, S)           into access with learners.  The Policy also sets out the
                                                               requirements for ‘appropriate’ visitors with a list of 6
         There are three new policies and one reviewed policy that   criteria that need to be met. This ensures adherence with
         went to the Trustees in July 2020. These policies have   FET values.
         been shared with Business Managers and can be found
         on The School Bus. All of these policies are required to be   FET Faith Education Policy (NEW)
         adhered to and are live.
                                                               The Policy is only applicable to faith schools and aims
         FET Privacy Notices  (REVIEW - NO CHANGES)            to provide clarity on the definition of FE, explain how
                                                               it is fully inclusive and how it might be recognised and
         Under the current Data Protection legislation (Data   establish an agreed framework that will determine the
         Protection Act 2018 and the GDPR), there are specific   acceptability of actions and decisions taken by pupils,
         requirements set out for privacy notices. These privacy   parents, staff and leaders at the school. The policy also
         notices set out to individuals how their data will be used.   aims to enable teachers and staff to identity and develop
         The FET DPO and Trustees have reviewed our pupil privacy   strategies for enhancing the FE provision of the school
         notices and believe that they are still fit for purpose. The   in the form of the ‘4Cs’ while defining the nature of the
         current versions were reviewed by Hill Dickinson and the   religious education curriculum that is to be developed
         law has not been significantly amended since.         and delivered by the school.
         Iqra Academy have yet to move their privacy notice into the   Office Contact: Greg Rogers
         FET format, this is because they are a primary school with   Telephone: 0330 383 2000
         slightly different requirements (the law has differing rules   Email:
         for those over 13 years of age). The current Iqra pupil
         privacy notice can be found at

         RAG Rating:      (R) Requirement    (A) Recommendation   (G) Note
         Designation:     (P) Primary schools  (S) Secondary schools

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