Page 5 - FET Bulletin - Aug - Flipbook
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1.1 Pupil Premium Strategy Review 2019/20 1.3 PE and Sport Premium for Primary Schools (P)
and Action Plan 2020/21 (P, S)
Schools in receipt of PE and sport premium funding
Schools should begin preparing a Pupil Premium Strategy should publish a report on their website which details:
Review for 2019/20 and an Action Plan for 2020/21.
• How much PE and sport premium funding they
DfE requirements stipulate that, for the previous academic received for 2020/21;
year (2019/20) schools should publish on their website:
• How they spent the pupil premium funding; • A full breakdown of how they will spend the funding
this year;
• The effect that the pupil premium had on pupils (i.e.
an analysis of the outcomes for pupils in receipt of • The effect of the premium on pupils’ PE and sport
support, which compares their attainment and participation and attainment (this may include details
progress to that of their peers’). from the previous academic year if the funding has
For the upcoming academic year (2020/21), schools only just been allocated);
should publish on their website:
• How much pupil premium funding they received for • How they will make sure these improvements
this academic year; are sustainable.
• Details of the main barriers to educational Office Contact: Angela Aspinall
achievement that the disadvantaged children in Telephone: 0330 383 2000
their schools face; Email:
• How they will spend their pupil premium funding to
overcome these barriers and the reasons for the 1.4 Cognitive Ability Tests – Year 7 Pupils (CATs) (S)
approach that they have chosen;
• How they will measure the effect of the pupil premium; Schools should make arrangements to hold Cognitive
• The date of the next pupil premium strategy review. Ability Tests for Year 7 pupils early in the new academic
year, ensuring the tests take place under examination
The review should be completed and uploaded to the conditions. Outcomes of these tests should be used to
website by the 6 October. inform arrangements for learning support.
Office Contact: Angela Aspinall Office Contact: Mubaaruck Ibrahim
Telephone: 0330 383 2000 Telephone: 0330 383 2000
1.2 Year 7 Literacy and Numeracy 1.5 Academic Intervention (P,S)
Catch-Up Premium (S)
Schools who receive Year 7 literacy and numeracy catch- Academic intervention is a valuable strategy employed in
up premium funding must publish on their website details Feversham Education Trust schools to help pupils make
of how they spent this funding and the effect this has had exceptional progress.
on the attainment of pupils in receipt of the funding.
Schools must include: Those pupils requiring weekly intervention support
should be identified early in the new academic year. For
• How much Year 7 catch-up premium they received English and Mathematics in particular, schools should
for this financial year; also consider the value of Saturday and Sunday classes to
• Details of how they intend to spend the funding; augment the Monday to Friday revision timetable.
• Details of how they spent their Year 7 catch-up
premium during the last financial year; Schools should refer to the Trust’s intervention policy for
• How the funding allocation made a difference to the further guidance, which is stored on School Bus.
attainment of the pupils who were eligible for the
funding and how the school assessed the impact it had. Office Contact: Mubaaruck Ibrahim
Telephone: 0330 383 2000
Office Contact: Angela Aspinall Email:
Telephone: 0330 383 2000
RAG Rating: (R) Requirement (A) Recommendation (G) Note
Designation: (P) Primary schools (S) Secondary schools