HCC Vol 25.1 - 20240216
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Harvest Christian College Newsletter
Volume 25 Issue 1 16th February 2024
Governor’s Awards 1 Bruce Edwards 2 From the Principal 3 2024 Harvest Staff 4-6 Foundation Buddies 7 Meet the Teacher /
2023 SACE 8-9
Student Leadership
Primary Assembly 10
From the
Wellbeing Team 11-12
Harvest Notices 13 Community Notices 14-16
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A friendly reminder that students are required to wear hats in Term 1
Harvest Christian College is a nut free school. (e.g. peanut butter or Nutella sandwiches, nut muesli bars etc).
Governor’s Awards
On Wednesday 7th February, two of last year’s Year 11 students were invited to Government House to receive a Governor’s Award.
Arabelle Greig and Ali Abdullah both received Governor’s Merits for excellence in the Research Project subject.
They were accompanied by family members, and their teacher Ms Kimberley Blackwell.
Harvest congratulates both Arabelle and Ali on their hard work and pursuit of excellence in their studies.
SERVING the Yorke Peninsula for over 20 years Pannan Street, Kadina | 08 8821 4945 | harvest.sa.edu.au

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