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L C C T C   D I G E S T

               JANUARY IS school BOARD recogniTION MONTH
                JANUARY IS school BOARD recogniTION MONTH

                                                  Salute  the  more  than  600  school  board  members  in  January  2020
                                                  during  South  Carolina  School  Board  Recognition  Month.  The  theme
                                                  —  School  Board  Strong  —  highlights  the  unique  role  school  boards
                                                  play  in  championing  and  advocating  for  quality  education  and  the
                                                  ownership  they  take  for  governing  their  local  public  schools.  As  the
                                                  elected/appointed   representatives   of   the   people   in   their   local
                                                  communities,   they   represent   their   local   communities’   voice   and
                                                  vision for their public schools.

          School Board Members; Sanya Moses, Chair; Sylvia Scott, V. Chair; Queenie Boyd,
             Sec.; Dorothy Baker, Nathaniel Brunson, Regitt James and Johnny McDuffie

                         Career Center Students Complete
                         Career Center Students Complete

                                  Financial Literacy Course
                                  Financial Literacy Course

          Twenty-eight CATE students took Financial Literacy         Tatyanna McDaniel         Travis Fulalrd
                                                                     Jashirha McDonald
         classes facilitated by Mrs. Stukes, College, and Career                               Rasheed Hill
                                                                     Shakayla Hickmon          Shakeim Bracey
           Coach, and presented by Wells Fargo during the
                                                                     Shakenya Franklin
                                                                                               Edward Benjamin
           months of September and November 2019. At the
                                                                     Tylasis Slater            Seavon Scott
          completion of these classes, students will receive a
                                                                     Janeque Gray              Emmanuel Joyner
              Certificate of Completion.  The Certificate of
                                                                     Jaheim Byrd
                                                                                               Yakir Alvarado
             Completion read as follows:  In recognition of
                                                                     Thomas Jones
                                                                                               Delonzo Johnson
          successfully completing the Financial Literacy 101
                                                                     Zymia Royal
                                                                                               Dorrian Briley
            Course (3 hours) Presented by Central Carolina
                                                                     Ivan Holloman
                                                                                               Zylayah Williams
          Technical College in conjunction with Wells Fargo.
                                                                     Sikeem Thompson
                                                                                               Kadaisha Hickmon
            These students will be recognized on Thursday,
                                                                     Quadriyyah Brown
                                                                                               Tyjir Outten
          January 23, 2020, in the Foods and Nutrition class.
                                                                     Chazmond Goodman
                                                                                               L'Shaun Woods
                   Congratulations Techno-Stallions!!!

            50 Ideas to Celebrate the 100th Day of School
            50 Ideas to Celebrate the 100th Day of School
           Milestones should be a big deal to us. They represent
            progress, growth and achievement. The 100th day of
           school may not be a significant milestone in the overall
         perspective of life, but for teachers, parents, and students
            it offers a great opportunity for creative learning and
         celebration. This year, click on the link below and try one
           or a few of these 100th day of school celebration ideas
                during the week of January 27th-January 31st.

                      100th Day of School Ideas
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