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                         popular micro-blogging social media platform used to share messages in
                       characters or less.

                       To begin ... visit signup to   is the star below each tweet. A list of all
                       register for an account.                   tweets you’ve favorited will appear at the
                       Did you know? Twitter was originally       top of your profile.
                       named “Twttr.”                           •   ollow  You can follow accounts using
                                                                  the Follow button on each user’s profile.
                       Twitter Terms                            •  Thread  Comments can now be posted
                       •  Tweet  A message sent via Twitter       as threads. If you want to tweet a long
                        containing 280 characters or less.        message, consider adding tweets to
                       •   etweet  or  T   A “retweet” is when    your original thread.
                        you copy a given tweet sent by another   •  Twitter Lists  Twitter lists are a great way
                        user and tweet it again on your timeline.   to separate your followers. For instance,
                        You can easily retweet by using the       youcan create a list of your clients (and
                        two arrows underneath each tweet, the     see only their tweets when you click on
                        “retweet button.” This button will send the   this list).Or, you can create a list of real
                        tweet to your timeline and allow you the   estate news accounts. The possibilities
                        opportunity to add your own commentary.   for Twitter lists are endless!
                       •  Hashtags  You can think of Twitter    •   inned Tweet  This feature of Twitter
                        hashtags as discovery tools that play an   allows you to pin a tweet to the top of
                        incredibly important role in helping users   your timeline and it will stay there until you
                        find relevant information that matters to   pin it or pin another tweet above. Pin a
                        them. Search  realestate and you’ll see   great message about your business and
                        tweets that show what users are saying    watch engagement on your tweet climb!
                        about real estate right now.            •   romoted  ccounts  Tweets and Trends
                       •  Trending Topics  These are the most     Twitter offers several ad products to
                        tweeted-about topics at this very         boost followers and engagement. When
                        moment.  f news breaks while you’re on    you see an account, tweet or trend listed
                        Twitter, you’ll see the hashtag or topic   as “promoted,” this means the user paid
                        skyrocket to the top of your trending     money to have their content seen.
                        topics. You can localize your trending   •  Mentions  Use the “@” symbol” to
                        topics to re ect the most popular topics   mention a user in a tweet. This user will
                        being tweeted about in your market.       get a notification that you’ve tweeted
                       •  Direct Messages  Using this Twitter feature,   about him or her. Users can mention your
                        you can directly message another user.    account by using the same symbol in
                        Note that the user must follow him or her   their tweet.
                        and you must follow them in order to send a   •   hotos  Post up to four photos with any
                        direct message.                           tweet.
                       •   avorites  Think of favorites as the “Like”
                        button on Facebook. The favorite button                                (continued)

                       © 2019 BHH Affiliates, LLC. Real Estate Brokerage Services are offered through the network member franchisees of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Most franchisees are independently owned and operated.
                          Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of HomeServices of America, Inc.® Equal Housing Opportunity.
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