Page 8 - 17 The Seven Last Plagues
P. 8


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               the  land,  it  is  rebuked  only  by  a  strong

               spiritual atmosphere. Christ was fully charged

               with life, which is the result of soul union with

               the fountain head; and as He could touch the

               leper and cause health to flow from Him to the

               diseased man, so in the time of the first plague,

               those who are clothed with spiritual life will

               resist disease. Even the physical man will be

               protected  by  the  strength  of  the  soul  union

               with the Father. Their bread and water will be

               sure, and habits of simple diet have become so

               fixed  during  their  time  of  probation  that

               though there may be a drought, God can feed

               them as He did Israel in the wilderness. In the

               midst  of  this  terrible  suffering,  the  little

               companies will sing and rejoice. “I will rejoice

               in  the  Lord,  I  will  joy  in  the  God  of  my
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