Page 15 - 09 The Seventy Weeks
P. 15


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                           Chapter 9 – The Seventy Weeks
                   will be conceded by all that it is a vision of

               which we have some previous record, and that

               in that vision we shall find some mention of

               Gabriel. We must go back beyond this ninth

               chapter; for all that we  have in this  chapter

               previous  to  this  appearance  of  Gabriel,  is

               simply  a  record  of  Daniel’s  prayer.  Looking

               back, then, through previous chapters, we find

               mention of only three visions given to Daniel.

               1.  The  interpretation  of  the  dream  of

               Nebuchadnezzar was given in a night vision.

               Chapter  2:19.  But  there  is  no  record  of  any

               angelic agency in the matter. 2. The vision of

               chapter  7.  This  was  explained  to  Daniel  by

               “one  of  them  that  stood  by,”  probably  an

               angel; but we have no information as to what

               angel,  nor  is  there  anything  in  that    vision

               which  needed  further  explanation.  3.  The

               vision  of  chapter  8.  Here  we  find  some
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