Page 18 - 09 The Seventy Weeks
P. 18


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                           Chapter 9 – The Seventy Weeks
                   understanding.”  As  the  charge  still  rested

               upon him to make Daniel understand, and as

               he explained to Daniel in chapter 8 all that he

               could then bear, and yet he did not understand

               the vision, he now comes to resume his work

               and complete his mission. As soon as Daniel

               commenced  his  fervent  supplication,  the

               commandment  came  forth;  that  is,  Gabriel

               received  instruction  to  visit  Daniel,  and

               impart to him the requisite information. From

               the time it takes to read Daniel’s prayer down

               to  the  point  at  which  Gabriel  made  his

               appearance  upon  the  scene,  the  reader  can

               judge of the speed with which this messenger

               was  dispatched  from  the  court  of  heaven  to

               this  servant  of  God.  No  wonder  that  Daniel

               says  he  was  caused  to  fly  swiftly,  or  that

               Ezekiel  compares  the  movements  of  these

               celestial beings to a flash of lightning. Ezekiel
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