Page 21 - 09 The Seventy Weeks
P. 21


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                           Chapter 9 – The Seventy Weeks
                   instruction he had before received from the

               angel. He was failing into a misunderstanding,

               and was acting upon it; hence he must not be

               suffered longer to remain ignorant of the true

               import  of  the  former  vision.  “I  am  come  to

               show  thee;”  “understand  the  matter;”

               “consider  the  vision.”  Such  were  the  words

               used by the very person Daniel had seen in the

               former vision, and to whom he had heard the

               command  given,  “Make  this  man  to

               understand the vision,” and who, he knew, had

               never carried out that instruction. But now he

               appears,  and  says,  “I  am  now  come  forth  to

               give thee skill and understanding.” How could

               Daniel’s  mind  be  more  emphatically  carried

               back to the vision of chapter 8, and how could

               the connection between that visit of the angel

               and  this  be  more  distinctly  shown,  than  by

               such words at such a time from such a person?
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